I Love You Too.

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Suguru pov:

I wake up to Satorus body pressed against mine. How this happened, I don't know. I lay on the couch with his arms wrapped around my chest in silence. I feel his chest rise and fall with each breath he takes. My cheeks flush with red as I realize how intimate the situation is. I try to shuffle around to wake him gently. After a while of him not waking up, I resort to my second plan.

"Satoru..." I say, my voice in a low whisper.

I feel his body tense up, letting me know that he is awake. I feel him sit up, taking his arms away from my chest.

"Satoru, are you okay...?" I say, in a slightly louder tone.

He doesn't say anything back to me. We lay there for a couple more minutes. After a while he gets up from the couch and walks into the hallway quickly. "Good morning." Is the only thing he tells me before disappearing into his room.

I lay on the couch a little while longer before I decide to use the bathroom. As I make my way down the hall, we make eye contact. Awkward eye contact. The tension between us strong. Is something wrong? I don't think I have a problem with anything, so it must be him. I walk into the bathroom and brush my teeth. I wash my face and brush my messy hair before I finally leave to my room. I decide to let my hair down today, I figure this hair style would be more comfortable to get through the short work day. I find a nice pair of jeans and a t-shirt to put on. Nothing fancy, but not to basic either. I walk outside my room and into the living area. I find my shoes neatly by the door before picking them up to put them on. I see satoru walk into the room, his bed head hair still apparent. I greet him with a smile.

"Where are you going?" He asks me with a perplexed expression.

I look at him with a confused face. "Im going to work. I told you about this remember?" I sigh. Don't worry, I only have to be there for 4 hours, that way we can spend more time with each other when I get home." I add, a friendly smile on my face.

His eyes widen slightly. "Oh yeah, uh I remember that." he says, obviously lying for no reason like he always does.

"What, are you not excited to spend the day with me?" I tease.

His expression changes slightly. "Oh well, I am...but I'm also not. So, I guess...not?" he tells me in a frazzled manner.

My teasing smile turns into a light frown. What was this about? A day where we can finally spend time together and he's not happy about it? I thought this was what he was always complaining about? I decide to brush it off, even though I was obviously pissed about it.

"Oh...well, I guess I'll be on my way then." I say bluntly before grabbing my keys and heading towards the door.

"Wait, Suguru! No, I didn't mean it like that..." He tells me frantically.

I ignore him, even though I look at him through my peripheral vision. I continue walking towards the door and leave the house. I walk to my car and sit in the driver seat. I begin to drive away from our dorm, I don't even bother turning on my music, I just drive to my job in silence.

Satoru POV:

I bring my hands up to my face to massage my temples. My eyes squeezed shut in frustration. He didn't let me finish what I wanted to say. I just wish things between us were different. I wish I could just tell him how I really feel without him thinking I am weird. I wish I wasnt getting so many mixed signals from him. How am I supposed to know if the affection he shows me is platonic or romantic? I sigh as I walk over to the couch to clear my head. I turn on the TV and stare at it for what seems like hours. I didnt even bother brushing my teeth, combing my hair, or even eating anything. Suguru didnt eat anything either. If hes hungry at work itd be all my fault. Im the reason he left the house earlier than he normally would. I stare at the TV for another eternity of minutes before forcing myself up to make some food. I dont nessicarily enjoy cooking, thats usually something Suguru does. But since he isn't present to cook for me, I guess Ill have to do it on my own.

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