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Satoru's POV:

Me and Suguru have been dating for a couple of years now, and as this year comes to an end, so do our years of college. It's the big day of our graduation, and I can't wait to finally be free of stress.

"Satoru, your cap is crooked..." Suguru tells me as he walks towards me and fixes my cap gently.

I chuckle slightly to myself. "You always pay attention to details," I say jokingly.

"It wouldn't be me if I didn't do that though right?" Suguru adds, moving his hands to grip my waist.

I move my hands up to the sides of his face. "I guess not," I say before connecting our lips for a short kiss.

I pull away and stare at his eyes for a couple of seconds before removing my hands from his face.

"We should finish getting ready, yeah?" He tells me as he begins to walk towards his room.

I smile, "Yeah, we should."


Suguru's POV:

After we get home from a graduation party with friends, the time on the clock reads 12:53 AM.

"Dang, it got that late, that fast?" I say to myself.

"Oh please, it's barely late at all," Satoru says whilst yawning.

I chuckle to myself, "It seems like you want to get to bed more than I do though."

I walk into the bathroom to wash my face. Shortly after I make my way into my room to see Satoru already lying under the covers on his phone. I carefully slip under the blanket , trying to pull it up over my chest.

"Hey, don't steal the blanket!" Satoru says in a playful tone as he yanks it back towards himself.

"Well, how am I supposed to stay warm!" I add back.

He pulls the covers violently over himself, "I'll fight you for it!" He says egging me on.

I roll over to grab the blanket but his hands tug it away. I climb over him and grab his hands swiftly, pinning him to the bed and taking the blanket from him.

"Well, that's not fair!" He whines.

"You're only saying that cause you lost," I say, leaning closer. My hands tighten around his. Our eyes stay locked on each-others, I feel my heart beating faster.

"Suguru..." He whispers, his voice breaking the silence.

I look from one of his beautiful eyes to the other, trying to read his expression. The room is still and quiet, slow breathing the only thing echoing within it. I lean in closer to him, my body now inches apart from his.

He catches me off guard by leaning in to kiss me, I carefully remove my hands to unpin him and I move them down to his waist. I breathe through the small breaks we take to catch our breaths, my mind going blank, the only feeling I can think of is desire. His hands move to grip my waist and I move my head in between the crook of his neck, planting soft kisses around his jaw and collar. I feel my body heating up, I sit up for a moment, straddling him, and carefully removing my shirt in one go.  Without me asking he starts to undo my belt, his fingers send shivers throughout my body.

"Is this okay?" He asks me, not once breaking eye contact.

"Yeah, of course ..." I say back, leaning down to kiss him once again. He removes my belt and throws it to the floor, and begins to unzip my pants. I sit up once more, un buttoning Satoru's shirt for him. I open the shirt, but don't remove it all the way, and I lean down to plant kisses on his chest and stomach. I run my hands along his perfectly toned body, and I focus my mouth on his pecs. The area must be sensitive, because of the reaction I receive.

"Ahh...," Satoru groans quietly. His head turned to the side and his eyes looking into mine. His breathing is heavy, and I can tell he is eager. I sit up to remove my pants. He begins to quickly take off his sweatpants as well.

"Are you that eager?" I tease. He brings his hand around my back and pulls me back onto him.

"I don't think you understand how much i've wanted this..." he replies.

My heartbeat quickens, and I feel hot. The heat of our bare bodies only makes it worse, but it is so desirable. Like a starved animal I begin to kiss him with everything I have. I want him, all of him. I run my hands down the sides of his body, and I stop and grip the underneath of his thighs. I bring both of his legs up towards his chest.

"Are you okay with me doing this...?" I say in a breathy whisper.

"Please just shut up and hurry..." he replies.


Sweet Kisses - SatosuguWhere stories live. Discover now