I've Got You

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As I quickly helped Stef shower, change into clean sleepware, and change her sheets, I know she is in the most distress than I have ever seen her. She had cried for almost an hour in the bathroom on that floor, in my arms, and all I could do was hold her tight.

There were really no words I could say to even remotely comfort her from the pain she was feeling, and I felt there was nothing else I could do at that time that would help besides hold her. 

I held her so tight on that cold bathroom floor rubbing her back up and down, and I did not let go until she was ready. Even now, I wasn't so sure she had been ready to let me let her go, but she was very tired, and I decided to make her a warm cup of sleepy time tea.

"Thank..thank you." She whispers as I place the warm mug in her hands, and I take a seat on the couch closely beside her.

"Of course. It is never an issue, Stef." I watch her play with the handle of her mug now as her pretty blonde shoulder-length hair is drying as she wears her lounge pants and a plaid shirt.  I want to so badly hold her in my arms again because I just feel terrible, I feel horrible for the pain she was in as we sit here for a few minutes in silence.

"Do you want to talk about it? About what you dreamt or saw?" I ask softly as she remains quiet, looking down at the ground. "Stef, I would never, ever pressure you to talk if you don't want to. But, maybe it would help to get it out a little?"

"I....I...didn't mean to..to wake you. Le...Lena. I'm....I'm sorry."

"It's okay. I'm glad I woke up so that I could help you. I'm so glad you are okay and that you didn't hit your head or anything."

"Le....Lena..I..I just wanted to shower. I guess.. I was upset and didn't pay... pay attention. I was...I was stupid." She shakes her head as she places her cup down on the end table.

"Sweetheart, you are not stupid. Not by any means, and you never will be. I think whatever you dreamt may have upset you more, and it's hard to focus sometimes when that happens.  Does it feel like this memory or dream was different for you?" I hold her hand now as I stare hard at her profile, seeing the tears run down her cheek again. This was so heartbreaking because I heard what she said when I was holding her in the bathroom. She said she had killed Tess and that alone I can see is tearing her apart as I wipe her tears with back of my hand, and she looks over at me. It also wasn't lost on me that she said she saw Tess in the bathroom, especially since Bird said she spoke to her as well in the hospital.

I had always been a believer in the higher spirit, and it seemed Tess was still around, most likely watching over Stef. It didn't scare me, not at all, because my grandmother told me she could see people who were deceased as well when I was a kid.

"I um...I...I guess I'm tryin' to um...to make sense of it." Her voice breaks now as I continue to rub her hand. 

"Okay, of your dream or memory, honey?"

"Um yeah. I um...not..not a dream. I...I , I saw some of what happened that night. More than I.. I.. ever have. I remember talking... talking on ..on the walkie. They...Mike and Tess begged me to..to..to wait. I didn't listen. I... I knew it was Bird. I...I don't know how..I...I just did. And....I went and...and it was raining bad. I rode the elevator and got into the apartment somehow. That's the part that is missing.. I don't remember that part...Le..Lena. I.. I saw Bird, and she was scared. Crying..and..and I ran over to her. She held me tight.. I promised to..to protect her and that I..I wouldn't let anything happen." She stops now shaking her head as I squeeze her hand even harder and rub her back.

"You did protect her. In case you have any doubts." I soothe just wanting to ease her pain so terribly. "But, keep going. I'm listening to every word, Stef."

A Time For Love (A Time For Love Series-Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now