Morning Sessions

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"I am Ss... Samm." Stef tries her best to sound the words out but all she really wants to do is toss the fucking book out the window. She hated these session and Bernie had been the fifth teacher to work with her. 

Stef was still an incredibly difficult patient, one of the most challenging the staff had dealt with and she was still giving Callie a terrible time. As a result, she was delaying her own progress, and it was looking as if Lena would be taking her on very soon, because at this rate Stef was not listening to any of the PT and OT staff. Mike had warned his sister to nicer and even sat on some of her sessions, but it did nothing. Nothing at all for it seemed no one had the same effect that Bird had on the blonde and that would most likely continue until Stef was released from the hospital. 

"It's ok Stef take your time. Sound it out, it's going to take time." Bernie encourages treading lightly for she was informed by others what a short fuse Stef had. Difficult patients weren't anything new at Lenox Hill and much like Lena she was use to dealing with extremely difficult patients who were no walk in the park for her. In some sense you had to have tough skin, you had to be able to handle their outburst, sometimes growing physical and verbally abusive. 

"I am it, fuck this shit." Stef slams the book closed as Bernie gently places her hand on top of the blondes as she instantly pulls away glaring hard at the woman.

"Listen, it takes time, Stef. You can learn all this again. You did it once you can do it again and-

"Yeah, when I was like five. I can't read a FUCKING BOOK that I read probably 1000 times but who knows considering I can't even remember how to take a shit most days! SO fuck you and fuck this."

"Look I get it's frustrating and-

"What do you get?" The blonde growls glaring hard at the young black woman who had a styled short haircut with red highlights. "What the fuck do you get! You can read this book in half a second. Meanwhile it takes me an hour to read one damm ass sentence! So, don't sit here and tell me you GET IT. YOU DON'T GET IT!!! YOU DON'T GET SHIT!!!  What you can get is out of my fucking ass face before I punch you in yours!! FUCK OFF!" She screams as everyone in the room turns to look at her including Bird who was working on the other side of the room with her own therapist.

She knew Stef was difficult with the adults out of pure frustration that she couldn't remember anything about who she was and Bird understood it. She did but Stef did not scare her.

 All Bird could do was watch the woman she loved move then anyone grab the book and fling it across the room as it hit the wall along with the can of pencils she tossed. Bird really wanted to roll herself over to the blonde and give her a hug but she wanted to wait until she calmed down a little, as she continued to observe.

"Stef, that's not the way. Ok? It just isn't." Bernie says grabbing the book and everything esle Stef had thrown across the room. "And you are right I don't get it. I don't but I am here to help and I can try to understand. We are all here to help you but you aren't helping yourself by denying the help you need. It will only get harder if you don't at least try."

"What part of I don't give a fuck don't you get! What, you think I give a shit about this fucking book, or that fucking Christmas tree you want me to cut out like I'm in kindergarten!! Or telling you all the fucking colors of the rainbow like I'm two. I DON'T REMEMBER!! I don't!! So do us both a favor and PISS THE FUCK OFF!! LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!!" She yells now pushing the table over as another Aid comes over to help.

"Do you want me to help you take her back?" The Aid whispers as Bernie shakes her head standing the table back up as she waves the other woman away. Standing up she looks right in Stef's face who is glaring hard at her. 

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