Chapter 4: Camp half-blood

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The sweet smell of strawberries hit me as soon as I walked through the monster proof barrier Leo told us about. Fields of strawberry plants covered the ground in front of us with a dirt path cutting through the middle. The path led up to a large baby blue house with a wrap around porch and by the door (also blue) stood a grey centaur. Leo led us down the path and up to the horse man who greeted us with a bow. Leo introduced us and told the centaur who our godly and mortal parents were.
"I am Chiron," the grey centaur said, "Welcome to Camp Half-blood children! You are demigods, half mortal half god. Here you shall be trained to protect yourselves from monsters in the outside world and to become great heroes. Leo will show you around," he explained. Leo took the two of us around the camp and showed us the forest, the canoe lake, the beach and finally the cabins. I was to share my cabin with my half brother, the famous Percy Jackson. He had sea green eyes just like mine and dark hair that always looked windswept. Under his orange Camp t-shirt he had lots of muscle and tanned skin.
"Hi!" He greeted me, happily shaking my hand. "You must be (Y/N),"
"Yep!" I replied.
"Well take your pick of bunks," he said spreading his arms wide. I took the top bunk on the opposite wall to Percy. It had yellow, white and blue striped covers which smelled like the sea breeze. In the corner of the room was a small fountain that gurgled with salt water. A porthole shaped window looked over the beach. The sea was orange with the setting sun and as I settled into my new bed I wondered if My friend liked it in her new cabin as much as I did. I then fell asleep after the long day.

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