The After Party

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"LORD BENINGHAM!" Alicia said and jumped down from the balcony leaving a small crater where she landed.

"Ms. Alicia, may I kindly ask as to why you are so intent on breaking apart my house?" Lord Beningham inquired.

The crowd started whispering amongst themselves but Alicia was more concerned with something else.

"The files. Are they safe?" Alicia asked in a hurry.

"We aren't supposed to mention the files so openly" Lord Beningham said in a hushed tone.

"Oh for the love of God. Who even cares about secrecy if the very safety of the files is at stake" Alicia snapped at him.

"I can assure you that they are right here and perfectly safe" Lord Beningham said and took out the envelope with the files.

Alicia snatched the envelope and opened it only to find just a single piece of paper inside.

'Dear Alicia,

I assume you are fuming right about now. Which is completely understandable. Although don't you agree that this is the best way to make an impression on you? Well since I fancy you if you can find me, maybe I will take you on a dinner date to some fancy restaurant? And if you can't find me, then alas I might loose interest in you.

Yours truly

On a side note, I just realised how awkward it would be if someone else read it first instead of you. '

Alicia in anger proceeded to tear apart the paper as she screamed at the top of her lungs


"Achoo" Sneezed Noah "I wonder who's thinking about me so passionately" He said to himself and chuckled.

As he walked through the downtown alleyways various sights are on display for Noah to see.

A beggar, a prostitute flirting with some chump, another beggar, a suspicious looking guy hiding drugs in his coat pockets and last but not least another beggar.

As he ducked and weaved through the low hanging pipes and avoided stepping on the gutters he turned a corner and finally reached the shop he was looking for.

"Oh would you look at that, you aren't dead." The shop keeper, Gilbert said seaten inside his shabby barely held together shop which was just a glorified shack with a few cigars and lighters on display behind him. Noah noticed the floor boards bend under the weight of the shopkeepers well developed middle region along with visible cracks.

"I am surprised myself, I was sure for a second that I was a goner. But alas I lived" Noah said opening his top hat and running one gloved hand through his black hair.

"Well I for one am glad you haven't croaked just yet. After all you are a valuable customer" Gilbert said with a slimy smile as he itched his voluptuous abdomen. "So? How many cigars do you want to buy today?"

"2 please." Noah said as his eyes traced a moth flying around the only lamp which lit up the shack.

"Premium brand or standard?" Gilbert asked looking through the cigars on a side tray.

"Anything goes"

"Lit or unlit?" Gilbert asked holding an unbranded cigar in one hand and a lighter in his other.

"I will light it myself thankyou very much" Noah said and took the cigar and then proceeded to throw it away.

"I know you don't smoke, but can you not waste a good cigar?" Gilbert asked in an annoyed voice.

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