The Puppeteer - 1

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Alicia was enjoying a fresh cup of coffee in Drury's cafe to take her mind off of the recent events. She was sitting in her usual seat next to a large window which allowed plenty of sunlight in. A cluster of irises were in a flower pot in front of her.

She stared into the steaming cup as thoughts about Noah kept illing her mind. His blue eyes, a reflection of deciet. His cocky smile, taunting her.

'He will regret it. I will make him regret it. How dare that bastard thief mess up my perfect track record. I swear when I catch-...' Her thoughts were interrupted by a stray note of the old piano located in the centre of the cafe. The sound it emitted was out of tune, quite possibly as it was just intended as a show piece.

The singular stray tone turned into a couplet, and then a triad, soon unfolding into an oddly enchanting piece of untuned harmony, captivating her completely. She turned around to see who the perpetrator of this melodious crime was.

She could make out a young man, dressed in a white shirt and a black sleeveless blazer. She couldn't quite make out his face, his fluffy tuft of black hair wobbled with his head as he struck the different chords. If someone were to listen to his playing with the intent of only listening to it, they would just think that it's decent playing but Alicia sensed something else. The notes that he played, completely random and unorthodox, his timings had no rythm. Yet somehow, he made it work. It was one of the most pleasing pieces of music she had heard in her life.

Alicia brought her focus back to her cup of coffee. The steam it emitted was less than what it was before. She took a sip, the rich flavour of the coffee immediately hitting her taste buds. It was still warm but nowhere near to unbearable. As she found herself getting lost into the details of the case and the existence of the chaos chronicles she was interrupted again, this time by the sudden halt of the piano. She heard the pianist exit the cafe and immediately turned her gaze towards the window beside her. Just to catch a glimpse of his face, and what she saw was something no one could ever prepare her for. There, face to face divided by a pane of window was the one person she had sworn to find and beat the shit out of, none other than Noah himself. With a smug smile plastered on his face he spared a glimpse at Alicia, winked and continued walking.

"YOU FUCKING BASTARD" Alicia screamed out as she quickly chugged the coffee and ran out of the cafe leaving the other customers perplexed.

'Was there something wrong with the coffee?' Poor Drury thought to herself as she saw Alicia leave in a hurry.

Alicia rapidly chased after Noah, being out of that ridiculous dress she was in the last time they met was already an advantage. Using her ability on her legs also provided her an extra boost in speed but yet somehow, he was still out of reach. Always a corner ahead, not only that but he wasn't even trying to run away. He waited for her to catch up a few times and at the last moment he would already be 5 steps ahead.


"... Damn that's a really... Creative threat. Alas you will have to catch me for that though." Noah said as he ducked into an alleyway in the form of shadows.

"Crap, it's too narrow for me. " Alicia said as she thought about the possible routes it could lead to and then she realised something.

"Surely not... Right?" Alicia said as she started running towards Aaron's house.
She there just in time to see the silhouette of someone slipping into the front door.


"Yo Aaron, you alive?" Noah asked as he stepped into the living room/training room and found it empty. "Huh, that's weird. He's usually here.. "

"I know right? Where could he possibly be?" Noah heard a voice and then felt a hand being draped on his shoulder.
In response to which Noah tilted his body slightly to the side, grabbed the draped hand and slammed the owner on to the padded floor. The owner being revealed as none other than Aaron himself.

"Hey now, is that any way to greet your benefactor?" Aaron protested as he got up.

"You let me do it. It was obvious" Noah stated and folded his arms.

"Haha... Was it that easy to figure out?"

"Painfully so" Noah said as he took a seat on the couch and crossed one leg over the other.

"Wait here, let me get prepare some tea for you"

"You don't have to-.... Sigh..." Noah said but Aaron had already gone to the kitchen.

While waiting for Aaron, Noah decided to stand by the glass door and look out towards the garden. To his surprise he spotted the figure of Alicia walking towards the front door. She wore a dark blue dress that flowed in the wind, her golden hair braided in a tight knot, and she completed the look with black high boots and a matching blazer.

"Well then... This ought to be interesting" Noah said with a chuckle.

He quickly closed the curtains as soon as he heard Aaron's footsteps.

"Something the matter, Noah?"

"No, was just admiring the flowers" Noah said as he went back to the couch and let Aaron pour some tea for him.

"So... Did you steal it?" Aaron asked sternly as he took a seat in front of Noah.

"Stolen tonnes of things, please do specify."
Noah said as he took a sip and immediately regretted it. The tea was piping hot and immediately burnt his tongue.

"Fucking hell !" Noah exclaimed in pain.

"I suppose now you know why patience is important. Anyways, I think you know very well what I am referring to"

"Haha.... Do I?"

"Stop trying to be cheeky. The files, you have it. Don't you?"

".... And? So what? Are you disappointed in me or something now? "

"That depends entirely on what you plan to do with the-"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE???" Aaron was interrupted by Alicia.

"Uh....a tea party? " Aaron tried.

"Was that really the best you could come up with?" Noah said snidely.

"CAN SOMEONE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD EXPLAIN WHY THE FUCK IS THAT BASTARD HERE, CASUALLY SIPPING TEA WITH YOU?" Alicia said and smashed the back of her hand against the wall leaving visible cracks.

"Oh come now, you don't have to be so rude while referring to me" Noah said and crossed one leg over the other.

"Oh my god shut the fuck up Noah" Aaron snapped "Listen Alicia it's not like tha- PUT THE FUCKING TABLE DOWN"

Alicia was no longer in the mood to listen to anyone now. She had picked up the wooden table and was more than ready it hurl it towards Noah.

"Alicia, listen Alicia calm down why don't we all have a nice and peaceful talk? We are all adults here" Aaron tried again but his words fell to deaf ears as Alicia threw the table towards Noah.

"You have to try harder than that" Noah said as he covered his hand in shadows in the form of a crude blade and cut the table in two. The two individual pieces flew in opposite directions narrowly dodging him.

"Bloody show off" Alicia said as she was about to grab the vase beside her but was stopped by a golden chain seemingly appearing out of thin air.

"Not the vase" Aaron said with his hand out stretched.


Aaron clenched his hand in a fist and more chain appeared, successfully Immobilizing her.

"Heh, the captain of A.E.D. trapped in chains" Noah mused

Aaron flicked his other hand towards Noah and a chain appeared and wrapped itself around his mouth.

"MPHH.... " Noah said surprised "HUMM U" 'fuck you'

"Anyways I suppose I better start explaining a few things... " Aaron said and took a seat on the couch.

-------------------END OF CHAPTER----------------

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