chapter two :: boys in blue mustangs .

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chapter warnings : violence , s/a mention

i walked down a cobbled path, the streetlights brightening it up. they weren't that bright at all, though, it was kind of pointless having them if they'd be so dull. i walked for a little while, observing each house, and deciding which one would i most / least would like to live in. i heard some laughing behind me, and saw some cars pass by. there were groups of cars coming from down the road at the right, which is where i think that drive - in place b/n told me about was. a blue mustang rolled slowly passed me, and then pulled to a stop, and you could already smell the alcohol and cheap cologne from them. i sped up my pace, and kept my head down. i heard the door to the car open, and then close, as a tall brunette began walking beside me.  "well well, what's a pretty little thing like you doing walking all by yourself 'round this part of town?" he said loudly, slurring his words a bit. "i haven't seen you 'fore, you new here?" he asked, looking down at me. i nodded gently "yeah, me and my brother just moved in here, so" i said nervously. i prayed silently he'd take the answer and go. he didn't. "moved in here? you a greaser?" he said, his expression changing slightly. "nah, you're too pretty to be a hoodlum" he said, grinning.

 "what's your name?" he asked. "y/n" i responded. i said it quiet enough that i didn't think he'd hear me. i thought to myself for a moment, confused about the whole "greaser" thing. "y/n huh? pretty name to go with a pretty face .. well i'm bob. how 'bout you and me go somewhere a little more.. private..?" he said slyly, his hand reaching for my waist. "don't touch me." i said, moving away from him. "oh, you're a feisty one, are ya?" he said, looking over at his friends, who were jeering him on like idiots. "well, that's how i like 'em" he said, his voice soft, as his hand continued to wander my body. "get the fuck off of me!" i yelled, pushing him away. "jesus, who hurt you? cmon, relax baby, don't act like you don't want it" he said, trying to grab me. before even thinking, i swiftly punched him in the nose. he was bleeding. oh shit. i ran down the path, as i heard him behind me. "oh you little bitch!- you're in for it now!" he yelled, running after me.

i ran for what seemed like hours, until my legs (and lungs) gave up on me. bob ran up behind me, with the rest of his gang. the moonlight glimmered on his rings. i didn't know what to do. i sat there weakly, kicking at him and pleading with him incomprehensively. i don't remember much after that, it was all kind of a blur. a messy, red blur, as my vision began fading in and out. i heard people yelling, and bob mutter something to himself and the rest of his group. they dropped me, and took off, running back to their mustang. three boys, ones i didn't recognised chased after them, and i heard voices behind me. "shit, is that a girl?" one voice echoed behind me, as i heard footsteps. "jesus, they got her bad, huh?" another one mumbled. one of them didn't say anything, he just kind of stared. he look scared, though. almost as white as a ghost. another boy came barging through the crowd, helping me sit up. "hello" he said, gently. "what's your name?" the boys who had chased bob and his friends off returned over to me. 

"uh- i'm y/n" i mumbled, looking at the quite attractive boy that was knelt in front of me. "y/n? okay, nice to meet you y/n, i'm sodapop." he responded. "do you know those boys?" i shook my head in response. my cheek hurt. i gently placed a hand on my cheek, and felt blood drip against my fingertips. "okay, y/n, do you know where you live? what path did you take?" it then occured to me that i had literally no idea where i was, or what time it was, and i was beginning to process what had just happened to me. i thought about b/n, and how worried he must be, and i felt tears well up in my eyes. "hey, okay- okay come on don't cry-" sodapop said, snapping me back to reality. he gently picked me up, and mumbled something to the other boys, to which they nodded back. "okay, i'm gonna bring you back to my house, and get you cleaned up 'till you can tell us maybe where you live or if someone can collect you or something, 'kay?" i nodded gently, even though i could barely understand what was happening around me. i felt my vision fade out again, and waited for this night to be over.

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