chapter three :: the curtis's house .

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chapter warnings : none

i woke up in a daze. i rubbed my eyes gently, and looked around. i was on a double bed, with some cupboards behind it, and trash all over the floor. there was a young brunette boy sitting at the end of the bed, doing what i assumed was homework of some sort. i sat up quickly, alerting the attention of the boy. where was i again? i quickly brushed my hair back behind my ear, grazing my hand gently across a fresh scar. i winced slightly, and ran my hand along the scar, as the memories from the events a few hours ago came back. the boy looked at me carefully, furrowing his brows, before quickly dashing out of the room to the top of the stairs. "soda?" he called down. "what? what is it? oh for gods sake, pony, what?" sodapop responded, before walking up the stairs. ponyboy said something quietly to him, and they both looked back through the bedroom door at me. sodapop walked in carefully. "ah. you're awake. you feeling okay?" i nodded gently. it felt weird. i could tell they were being overly cautious around me, and it freaked me out a bit.

"i'm not a rabid animal, you know. i don't bite. you're allowed talk normally to me" i said quietly, a small smile on my lips. sodapop chuckled gently "right, sorry. well uh- that's ponyboy, my kid brother" he said, gesturing to the boy beside him, who gave a small smile. "and you already know me, i'm sodapop, and then the rest of 'em are downstairs, if 'ya wanna come down?" he said, pleading rather then asking me. "okay, yeah uh- sure" i said, getting up off of the bed, following him and ponyboy downstairs.

when i walked into the kitchen, i felt the whole room quieten down, and everyone stopped to look over at me. i felt my stomach sink a little, as the nerves started kicking in. "this is y/n, the girl we helped out earlier." sodapop chimed in, clearing his throat. a few boys nodded, one of them smiled and gave a little wave. one tough looking one looked me up and down, smirking, to which sodapop gave him a sharp dig in the arm, and mumbled something to him, to which he shrugged. sodapop walked over beside me, followed by ponyboy. "well okay, sorry about him. anyway let me introduce y'all. that one there with the mickey mouse t - shirt is keith mathews, but you can just call him two-bit, that's what we call him. that one there is dallas winston, dally-" he said, eyeing him down carefully, and i noticed it was the same guy he gave a dig in the arm to. "that's darrel curtis, darry, my older brother, and that one eating the cake is steve randle, my best friend" he said promptly. i nodded gently, before averting my gaze to a small, shy boy in the corner. "who's that?" i asked sodapop quietly. "who?- oh yeah, that's johnny, johnny cade. he's real quiet, though."

i nodded gently, looking over at johnny. there was something about him, that was different to the rest of the boys. eventually the boy who sodapop said was named dallas, or well, dally spoke up. "what are you then, y/n?" he asked, smirking slightly. "sorry?-" i responded, confused. "you 'aint a soc, are you?" he said, looking at me, and then i noticed everyone seemed to be looking at me. "a what?-" dally sighed gently, chuckling to himself. "you 'aint from around here, are you?" he asked again. "well, i mean me and my brother just moved here today, so-" i said quietly. eventually then sodapop's friend chirped up. "hey wait, do y'all have a red camaro ss?" he asked, to which i nodded. "the one with the cobblestone path infront of it, yeah? i saw y'all moving in today, your across from my street. i'll be heading home in prolly an hour? i can give you a ride if you want?" i nodded quickly "yeah, thank you! i have no idea where i'm going"

"so, you're one of us then?" dally spoke again, looking at me. i looked at him, confused. "you're a greaser." he said. "is that bad?" i asked quietly. "well, some people think so, but 'nup, not really." dally responded, taking a swig of his drink, and leaving it on the counter. "well, we're greasers as opposed to.. who?"

"the socs" ponyboy chimed up. "so bob, and that group who jumped you earlier are socs." darry glared over at him, before ponyboy apologised quickly. "sorry, i didn't mean to bring that up-" he said. "oh, no it's okay don't worry about it!" i said to ponyboy, and he nodded in response. "so i guess versus them we're the better ones." i said, smiling gently. steve walked over to me "alright, y/n i'm headed home now, so you can wait in the car" he said gently, and i nodded, headed for the door, thanking sodapop and the rest of the gang for helping me out earlier. "johnny, you want a ride back to the lot?" steve asked, to which johnny nodded gently, following me outside. the car ride back was quiet, as i didn't know steve and johnny that well. johnny kept glancing over at me, smiling awkwardly. i could tell he wanted to say something, but he was shy enough, so i didn't mind. eventually we stopped at my house, and i hopped out of the car, thanking steve for the ride, and waving bye to johnny. my brother practically ran out, looking at me with concern

"are you okay? oh my god y/n where have you been? i was worried sick- who are they? what happened to your cheek?-" he rambled on. i quickly reassured him. "that's steve and johnny. they're my friends" i said quietly, and began to explain what'd happened with bob, and how sodapop had brought me back to his house, and how i met the boys, and that steve dropped me home. b/n nodded gently, before thanking steve, and quickly hugging me again. we walked inside, as i saw steve driving off outside

"was dad home yet?" i asked quietly. b/n shook his head sadly. "no y/n, i'm sorry, i haven't seen him since last tuesday." "oh, it's okay don't apologise" i said, smiling gently at him. "i'm so glad your okay, y/n." he said quietly. "me too" i whispered, before walking upstairs and flopping on my bed, falling asleep. it'd been a long night.

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