chapter nine :: thursday .

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chapter warning :: fighting mentioned

i skipped school yesterday. probably not the smartest idea for your 1st week in school, but i didn't really care anymore. i stayed at the curtis's house until my brother showed up in a dazed panic that i wasn't in my room or at school. that wasn't until 4pm, though. to say my brother was pissed at me was an understatement, but he cooled off after a few minutes. my brother can never stay mad at me, or anyone in that matter. but alas, i have to go to school today. i woke up before my brother and stared at the sun before i got ready. i walked into the bathroom, and began getting ready for the day, braiding my hair into two loose plaits, pulling a few strands out to frame my face. i scrubbed off the blood stains on my hands and shoes, mumbling soft curses when my white shoes began to stain pink. i looked weird. i was all pale and funny looking. i quickly covered it up with some light makeup and changed into my mom's old bell bottoms, a white tank top and a denim jacket. "y/n, hurry up or else you can walk to school!" my brother called upstairs. i shoved on my now pink - stained shoes and slid down the banister. "god, someone's energetic" my brother mumbled, scanning me up and down. "you're wearing mom's old jeans" he said to himself quietly. "yeah, is that okay? i thought they looked nice" "yeah no it's fine. mom loved those jeans, didn't she?" "yeah, she did." he smiled gently, quickly wiping away tears, before dragging me out to the car.

i pressed my head against the cold of the window in the car, and a reoccurring voice kept echoing through my mind. "i'll fucking kill you y/n!- the next time i see you, you're dead." i remembered how bob stared up at me. and his eyes. those fucking eyes, he really was going to kill me, wasn't he?

the car pulled to a holt and i turned to my brother. he was staring at me with pleading eyes. i was confused until i caught a glimpse of the people behind him. his new 'friends.' and it was only then, after the 4 days of them being inseparable, that bob was one of these friends. i stared at him, and he stared at me. his fists were clenched tightly into a ball. "i'll fucking kill you y/n!- the next time i see you, you're dead." my brother looked confused. "i didn't know you were friends with bob" i said quietly, my voice hoarse. "yep, real good buddies. why, you know him?" "b/n, you know when i got jumped? it-" before i could finish, one of the boys pulled b/n out of the car. "sorry, y/n, can we talk later?" but he was gone before i could respond. i reluctantly got out of the car, my knees trembling as i walked to the building. when i got into school, i walked over to my locker, and cherry was standing there. i took a deep breath, smiling.

"hey cherry" i said quietly, opening my lock. she stared at me. "sherri to you, actually." her voice was monotone, and she looked on the verge of tears. "what?-" "-how could you do that to bob?! god, i don't know what he did, knowing him he deserved it, but you put him in the hospital, y/n! he can't even walk properly anymore!" she raised her voice, as she stared me down with her icy blue eyes. "he's my boyfriend, do you know how scary it is to see the person you love like that? you really are just like the rest of them. a greaser." she then shook her head, tears rolling down her cheeks before storming off. i couldn't even defend myself either. i felt my face get hot and tears brim my eyes. why's she acting as if i killed him? i defended myself, and ponyboy, i did the right thing! i slammed my locker shut so hard i almost broke it, and i headed straight for the exit. while i was walking out, i bumped into ponyboy and johnny, as well as dallas.

"hey y/n- jesus, someone's mad" dally scoffed quietly. "what's up with you?" i took a deep breath, trying to calm down. "fucking sherri valance man." johnny and ponyboy stared at me confused, until ponyboy spoke up. "cherry? i thought y'all were friends?" "yeah well, not anymore. not after yesterday" i huffed, glancing at ponyboy. "she's acting like we killed bob or something, now nobody's speaking to me! that's not fair, we didn't do anything, maybe she should put her dog on a leash!" dally snickered to himself, before drawing attention back to me and ponyboy. "wait, what happened yesterday?" ponyboy came up short with an explanation, and i couldn't improvise anything to say. johnny spoke up quietly. "bob jumped ponyboy last night, he had a knife, and y/n ran out to help him. she pulled a blade on him and apparently he had to go to hospital or somethin'. " his voice stumbled over 'bob' a few times, and he kept looking around behind him, his breathing increased. dally nodded slowly. "good for you" he said, smirking at me. i rolled my eyes. "so, what do we do? everyone in school thinks we're psychopaths." i asked, looking at a very pale ponyboy. "i say leave them" dally chimed in. "it's fine, it'll blow over soon. plus, cherry's-" he paused for a moment. "well, she's nice enough. she can be a real bitch, though." "what does that have to do with anything? also, don't call her a bitch, dally. don't be a misogynistic dick" i huffed quietly. "a mis-oh-gyn- what? the point i'm tryna make is that, if you just explain things, maybe she'll get it." ponyboy nodded gently, agreeing with dallas. "nope. i'm not talking to her, she can get fucked." i said, shrugging. i drew my attention back to johnny, who was sweating, and shifting his weight between his feet. "johnny, are you okay?" he glanced around the room, refusing to make eye contact. "yeah, uh- i'm okay" dallas eyed him carefully, before whispering something to him. johnny shook his head. i figured it might be something to do with his parents. he told me about them in the lot.

my vision shifted over to a figure approaching us. it was my brother, and he looked pissed. he stormed over to me, scowling. to say i was confused was an understatement. "y/n, what the fuck am i hearing 'bout you and your little friends-" he paused, glaring over at dallas, johhny and ponyboy with disgust. "-jumping my gang?" johnnys breath hitched, and dallas looked at me, confused. "thought you were a grease?" i saw johnnys thumb slip into his back pocket. "i am. and no, we did not 'jump your gang'. b/n, you have no idea-" he cut me off quickly, raising his voice. "so, why the fuck was bob all cut up and shit yesterday?! he was in hospital you know. i swear to fucking god, ever since we moved here, you've been fucking out of your mind. i don't blame you, hanging out with this trash." and he spat at them. he spat. what the fuck was wrong with him?! "you best be careful who you're calling trash" johnny said. his voice was quivering. "alright, everybody cool it." dallas said firmly, averting our attention to him. "who the fuck are you?" "i'm y/n's brother" he said, clearing his voice. dallas looked at me, cocking an eyebrow. "uh - huh. do- y'all don't live together then yeah?" "no, we do" i said, confused. "so. wait. he's a greaser?" my brother looked confused, his eyebrows furrowing. "what's a greaser?" he said angrily. "i'll explain it later, b/n." i said, my voice softening. "dally, i'm confused. what point are you making?" "he's a greaser.. hanging 'round with socs..?" dallas said, confused. "what the fuck is he talking about?!" my brother said, raising his voice, annoyed. "i told you, i'll explain it later."

ponyboy quickly slipped into an empty classroom, and we all looked around, confused. the clicking of heels approached us. a small, plump lady approached us. she was wearing some very brave makeup and she had thin, curly hair sitting over her shoulders. "what- hey! you four! class started-" she checked her watch "-15 minutes ago! what are y'all doing out here, huh? did you think you wouldn't get caught? detention! all four of you! now, go, hurry along to class." she said sternly. i groaned, rolling my eyes. my brother shot me a sharp dig in the rib, to which i returned the favour. dallas shrugged, and walked out the fire exit. the teacher, who was walking away, turned around quickly, and began following him quickly, her heels clanking loudly. ponyboy watched to make sure the teacher was gone, before slipping out of the classroom, re-joining us. we all split up, going to whichever class we were headed to. i walked along side johnny for the remainder of the way to my class. "you don't seem to be too upset about getting detention" i said quietly. he shrugged "beats being at home" he mumbled. i nodded gently, slipping into class. "bye johnny" "bye y/n" he said, smiling softly.

"y/n.... l/n, you're late. i'm going to have to mark you for that one." "sorry mr. lawrence. the traffic was real heavy this morning." i said, smirking, slipping into my seat. i could feel everyones eyes burning into me. i figured they knew about bob. speaking of bob, it was just my luck to be stuck in a class with one of his friends, who glared at me, scribbling something on a piece of paper, before flinging it onto my desk. i could hear some giggles behind me. i rolled my eyes, crumbling up the note which had "sico" messily wrote over half the page. im going to assume he meant psycho, but, hey, who am i to judge. this continued for almost half the class. i rested my head on my desk, waiting for the bell to ring. this was going to be a looong day.

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