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Steve circled Aamon, who was knelt shackled on the floor of the great hall.

"Don't you just love the smell of fear?" He announced as he looked around the court who were all nods and smirks. "Especially from a Prince of Ravenshold, not feeling so superior now are you?"

"Go to hell". Aamon spat.

"Been there, heard that. Nothing you say will shock me". Steve simply shrugged. He'd been alive for so long and faced many men who had told him that, and worse.

Aamon looked at his sister with narrowed and rather sinister eyes. "You are a cold bitch, you know that? Colder than this good for nothing snake you call your husband. Running to him just showed everyone how weak you are on your own, cowering behind him like you always have with others".

Bucky immediately had him by the neck, lifting him up with his metal arm. "You say shit like that about my Queen again? And I'll snap you like a fucking twig, pal", he hissed - then dropping him in a crumpled heap on the floor as he now was choking and gasping for air.

Steve just laughed as did the whole court while his wife sat watching on with a smirk. "My wife doesn't 'cower', if anything she kneels willingly to me...especially when it comes to fucking that pretty mouth of hers. I'd be more than willing to make you watch - I bet you'd hate it, seeing me pump all that innocence outta your little sister, or at least what little of it she has left..."

"You've already ruined her, I don't need physical confirmation for that". Aamon hissed and then looked at Haven. "And you have nothing else to say?"

"I have already said enough to you". Haven stared down at him. "There is nothing else left. Now, unless you have anymore insults left to throw at me? Your time here is over".

Aamon shook his head. "Just get it over with. I'd rather be dead than have to look at you anymore".

Haven nodded to Steve. "Time for you to enjoy yourself".

Plucking the shield from the holder on his back, Steve raised it above Aamon, the weapon falling as the court watched on.

She felt nothing. No remorse, no sadness. Everything seemed blank. Haven had simply put it down to accepting that this was how it would end for Aamon, and now as Steve passed his shield to a servant to take it away to clean, she met his eye. "Thank you". She mouthed.

He nodded and then ordered the guards to take the body and send it back to Killian and Ronan, wrapped in a nice red bow. "And clean this floor, traitors blood always stains the worst", he told another servant who went to fetch some water and a scrubbing brush.

Coming to sit next to his wife, the court resumed their activity as the servants now came in to clean the floor. "One brother down..." he pondered.

"And two more to go". She replied, glancing across to him. "If they have not yet declared war, then they will do now".

"Let them. They'd be idiots to try and take on my army again. Look at what happened the last time".

"They have the backing of Prince John". Haven reminded him.

He shrugged. "So we deal with him - no John, no men for back up. Any allies we can just cut off easily. We need them to end up in a more vulnerable position".

"Without Killian, Ronan is probably powerless, so the next brother to target would be him. He's a strong fighter though".

"He soon won't be". Steve replied flippantly, "but let's see how he does at playing being King first, now that he has a crown - well, the term, not the actual object he needs".

Haven nodded, "where did you put them by the way? The crown and the seal?"


"I want to know they're secure".

He hesitated for a moment and then spoke. "Safely locked away in the vault".

"Good". She felt a little more at ease now, knowing he'd kept both of them. Now she rose from her chair. "I'm tired, must be all the excitement I've had today. I'll see you in the morning".

"Goodnight Haven".

She didn't ask him to join her, she knew that they would be celebrating all night, plus with their earlier encounter, she had been left feeling drained, even though she was well and truly full.

Returning to their room, she changed and climbed into bed, closing her eyes. She didn't realise Steve had come in until she felt his side of the bed go down and him actually getting in beside her.

"Bored already?" She mused.

"Mmmm, no fun when the fun is dead". He replied.

"And no other mistress to toy with?"

She knew he had other women, Nat had said that when she had first come to the city, however she was unsure as to whether he was still taking them to bed aside from her. Her stomach turned a little.

"Sleep". Was all that he commanded.

Yes, that answer told her enough, and she quickly decided that if her husband would have his missions then she would have hers. Find the women who still warmed his bed and deal with them as she saw fit.

Ascension (Dark!SteveRogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now