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Haven noted that Steve was now in a suit baring the Hydra crest on the chest, his helmet obscuring his face. No one had ever seen The Serpent's face, and he wasn't about to give Aamon the privilege. 

"Are you ready?" He asked, looking her up and down at her choice of attire. 

A black dress with a red snake weaving around the body before it went down one side. She had chosen it simply because it bore resemblance to his tattoo. From the shoulders a light cape flowed down behind her with a train that barely made a sound as it skimmed along the stone floor. 

"Do you think I'm ready?" She asked. 

"Did you wear that on purpose?"


"For your brother or for me?" 

She shrugged. "That's for me to know. Can we get this over with, the thought of going back is already daunting enough". 

Taking the infinity stone from his pocket, Steve reached out to take her hand. "Hold on, and don't drop my hand". He instructed. Hers slipped delicately into his and held on tightly, as the surroundings of the Hydra palace melted away in front of her, before being replaced with the servants stairs that led into the great hall. 

Another man was stood there waiting for them. "He's in there with John - talking shit about us". The man spat and then noted Haven with a nod. "Lady Haven..." 

"This is Sam, he's my spy. You'll barely see him though, he tends to work in the shadows". Steve now made the introductions. 

Haven hadn't met Sam or had seen him around since her arrival. Whether it was because he kept a low profile was one thing, it was that or he was just too busy taking orders. She came to the conclusion that it was probably a mixture of both. 

"Or the air" Sam added quietly. "I'm here if you need back up or have to get Haven outta here". 

Steve nodded at this. "Stay here with Sam. When I call you in then you show yourself - Sam...you know what to do". 

With John and Aamon busy speaking over a large map that dominated the table they were hunched over, Steve slipped out and kept quiet as he took cover behind one of the large pillars. 

"What makes you believe that she's still out there anyway?" John now asked. 

Aamon took a while to answer. "She left with her advisor. Clearly he knew what I was planning and snitched to her. It wouldn't surprise me if he'd got her into his bed. Of course we've tried to trace him as well, but it's like he's disappeared too. That's a blessing I suppose - then again if he's found with her, I'll enjoy watching him be strung up. It's treason to my little sister...

John chuckled. "And you still think she would make a marriage if she was tarnished by him?" 

"Not as good of one as she would have initially. It just shows she is not fit to be Queen...whoever finds her is welcome to her for all I care". 

Steve knew that now it was time to make himself known. "Well then...must be my lucky day..." Stepping out from behind the pillar, the two men drew their swords as he now stood there. Aamon's face now changing on realising who he was. 


"I wanna say it's a pleasure but it's really not. I just came to let you know that I've found your sister - and I'll be keeping her..." 

"Over my dead body..." Aamon stated, but didn't make a single move, even though his sword was drawn - a telling sign of a coward in Steve's eyes. 

"Yours, your father's and your brothers. Sounds good to me". 

John glared at him. "Prove you have her..." 

"She has a name you know, and technically she's still the Queen". Steve smirked, loving every moment of this interaction. "I don't see any crown on your head..." 

"Because the little bitch took it with her!" Aamon spat. 

Steve pondered at this. "Haven...come and say hi to your brother, sweetheart". Calling back to the servants stairs. She didn't hesitate to appear, and now both John and her brother looked dumbstruck. 

"Tell me you didn't..." Aamon now looked at her in disgust. 

"Didn't what? I've not been to his bed if that's what you're thinking - at least there is some honour in the evil bastard". 

Aamon's look didn't falter. "How did you find her?" Now looking to Steve. 

Oh...he was going to enjoy this. 

"She was smart enough to ask the right person for help..." Steve's hand now grasped at her shoulder, keeping her rooted to the spot where she stood next to him. "Smarter than you - I can see why your father chose her to take over and not you..." 

"Enough!" Aamon fumed, pointing his sword towards them. "Guards!" 

Steve grabbed Haven's waist. "Time to go..." Now taking the infinity stone from his pocket before looking back to Aamon and John. "You should both sleep with one eye open, and as for Haven? She'll be back on a throne in no time...mine". 

They were gone and back within the Hydra city walls before the guards could even get to them, Sam following close behind. 

Haven looked to him. "Did you mean it? What you said about the throne?" 

Steve said nothing and turned to Sam. "I'm gonna be needing you to keep a close eye on those two, they're gonna start making allegiances, John has a large army, but when it comes to strength? They're not great". 

"I'll head back there tomorrow and see what's happening". 

Now looking at Haven, he still said nothing and went to leave. 

"Is that it? You have nothing to say after everything that just happened?" 

"I said enough. That should be enough for you". 

"It is not clarity!" She argued. "You give me a month to apparently see whether my mind will change but I can assure you it will not. You then say to my brother that the throne I will sit on will be yours. Were you lying?" She demanded. 

Steve continued walking to his chambers, not looking back at her. 

"I have never once lied to you, just like I told you before - and I don't intend to start now. Take that as your 'clarity'". 

Ascension (Dark!SteveRogers AU) 18+Where stories live. Discover now