CHAPTER 2- Finding out

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----- = Time change/pov change

*** = flashback
Italics = someone thinking

Tw: mentions of c!tting, mentions of r@pe, bullying

Its been a week since Chan had found out about Felix's huge secret. Felix was starting to trust him a lot more. He did slip a lot but not fully except for the first night and the day after. Chan took note of that, assuming that it was because of how nervous he was. He knew felix always worried about being a burden to others.

As Chan and Felix got closer, the members were starting to suspect that something was going on. Chan slept in Felix's room every night and only left his side when it was absolutely necessary. It worried the members but they were happy that felix atleast had an outlet for whatever was going on with him. But the members began to become more curious. Especially after what happened at dance practice today.

Felix was having a really hard time learning this new choreography. So once practice was over, he stayed behind with hyunjin and chan. He knew why Chan had stayed and he was very thankful for it but hyunjin staying made him really nervous. He doesn't know whether or not he'll be able to control his headspaces.

Felix looks at Chan nervously as Hyunjin helps him with the moves slowly. He gives felix small praises every once in a while then asks him to perform the whole song. Felix does so but ends up tripping, his head hitting the ground hard. Hyunjin quickly rushes to him "lix, can you hear me? you okay?" Chan ran next to him and noticed Felix's pupils expanding. He's slipping, fuck.

Lixxie starts sobbing, holding onto his head and crying out "dada.. hwurt..."

Chan looks at him in surprise but quickly recovers. Lixxie already had a name for him? He swears he could melt at that very second. "I know baby, I know. It's okay. I'm here. Dada's here." Chan takes Lixxie in his arms and rocks him back and forth.

Hyunjin looks at the two with his mouth open wide from shock. Is this what they've been hiding? What even is this? What's even happening right now?

"Hyunjin, can you go get a medkit please?" Chan asks calmly. Hyunjin nods and quickly runs to grab one, handing it to chan ask he treats the younger. "Felix is a little. He regresses to a younger age whenever something triggers it. His big trigger is stress. The age range could be from early teens to a baby. I've really only seen lixxie in toddler to baby range, not any older. He acts the age he is. If he's a baby, he'll sleep a lot, babble, cry when he wants something, and won't be able to control his bladder. He's very clingy when he's little, he asked me to not leave his side when he slips which is why you've seen us together so often lately. He's really afraid of telling anyone so please, please keep this to yourself. He needs time to tell the rest."

Hyunjin listens closely to Chan and nods "alright... sorry this is a lot to process at once... wow."


"yes lixxie?"

"dat hyunie?" lixxie points at hyunjin.

"Yes it is. Do you wanna say hi to Hyunjin?"

lixxie hides his face in Chan's chest shyly "don wan hyunie to nwo wike felixie no moh..." he pouts softly.

"this is absolutely adorable oh my god. I'm going to die. Lixxie, don't worry. I'll never stop loving felix and I will always love you! You're such a cute baby! come here love, I'll give you cuddles if you'd like." hyunjin opens his arms to lixxie which he quickly accepts, slamming his face into hyunjins chest.

"wixxie wove hyunie a-wot" he mumbles against hyunjin.

"hyunie loves lixxie too" hyunjin smiles widely and rubs the littles back. this eventually causes the younger to fall asleep in his arms. "this is the most adorable thing I've ever seen. I might combust. I never thought lix could get cuter oh my god." hyunjin whispers to chan, he agrees.

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