CHAPTER 4- changbin and han

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----- = Time change/pov change
*** = flashback
Italics = someone thinking

Tw: mentions of c!tting, mentions of r@pe, bullying

changbin runs to his room and slams the door, locking it. his head was spinning and tears were running rapidly down his face. Am... am I a little? There's no way right? But I can't be... aren't I too old? I shouldn't be a little, I'm not in the maknae line. but what if I am? will the members hate me? That's another person they would have to take care of.

he flinches when he hears a knock on the door. "hey changbin? it's me. can we talk please?" hyunjin asks. changbin gets up and opens the door, hyunjin coming in and hugging the older. hyunjin closes the door behind him and sits on the bed with hyunjin.

"whats going on? why did you run away? do you not like littles?"

"I... no it's not that. I love felix and jeongin so much. This doesn't change anything for me in regards to how much I care for them. In fact, it probably escalates it."

"Then why leave? why make it seem like you don't like littles?" hyunjin tilts his head and changbin starts crying.

"oh changbin... I'm so sorry I didn't mean to make you cry again."

"no, no it's fine... I just.. I... I can't say it. it's embarrassing."

"whatever it is, im sure it's not embarrassing. plus, you know I'd never judge you."

"but.. I'm not in the maknae line... I can't be thinking like this." changbin mumbles

"changbin... do you think you're a little?" changbin turns red and nods, causing hyunjin to smile widely "another little! oh my god, I'm gonna combust. you'd be the cutest little!"

"but... I'm not a maknae... I'm too old."

"no you're not. littlespace doesn't end at a certain age."

"can I just.... can I talk to felix and jeongin? I don't know if I am but I want to find out."

"well... jeongin is little right now so I can get felix for you?" changbin nods and hyunjin leaves.

after a while, felix comes in with hyunjin holding his hand. he doesn't look at changbin, too scared that changbin might give him a disgusted look due to him being little.

"okay uhm... felix I just wanted to say im sorry for how I acted earlier. I didn't mean to make you guys think I didn't love you or accept you. because I do. Nothing will change that. I just... I got nervous..."

"why did you get n-nervous?" felix almost tears up, squeezing hyunjins hand

"I... I think I'm a little." changbin mutters silently and felix gasps, a smile forming on his face. "really?" changbin nods "okay, we need to test it out then. hyunjin, can you help me get him to slip?" hyuniin nods at felix.

"okay, we need coloring books, some cartoons, a paci, and some toys." felix says as hyunjin goes to get those things. felix turns on cartoons for changbin and he watches them intently, feeling a bit embarrassed at the fact that they were taking care of him.

"Would it help if chan was here since he's older than you? is that why you're nervous maybe?"

"possibly, I don't know..." changbin blushes and looks down "I... I really like this show.. it makes me feel weird but I like it..."

"Weird how?" felix texts chan and asks him to come to changbins room.

"like I don't know... fuzzy? I guess? everything feels fuzzy..."

"changbin-hyung, I think you're a little. that's so adorable!" felix chuckles and smiles widely.

"r-really? it's not gross? I mean like... I'm the 3rd oldest, wouldn't it be weird? you guys look up to me as an older brother... isn't it weird for me to be little then?"

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