CHAPTER 3- Felix and Jeongin

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---- = Time change/pov change

*** = flashback
Italics = someone thinking

Tw: mentions of c!tting, r@pe, r@pe of a m!nor, bullying

On the car ride home, felix woke up. Thankfully for chan, seungmin, and jeongin, he wasn't little anymore. They pulled him into another room and sat down. "What's this about?"

"so... when I was taking care of you... lixxie threw a tantrum." seungmin states.

felix gasps, his heart crumbling. seungmins gonna hate me now. why would lixxie do that?

"hey, hey. calm down. i'm not upset. it's just about what lixxie was upset about. he wants to meet the rest of the members. but I wanted to talk with you about it and make sure you were okay with that. I don't really know how all of this works but... I wanted to make sure you were comfortable before moving forward with this. we all did. jeongin woke up while it was happening and helped me figure out what to do." seungmin says, holding jeongin and felixs hands.

"o-oh... okay I..." felix takes a deep breath and chan rubs his back. "there's no pressure at all felix. whatever you'd like."

felix nods "I... I want to but... I can't face them. can.. can lixxie do it? and you guys just tell me how it goes?"

"are you sure thats how you want to do it?"

"yes... maybe... I don't know..."

"hyung, I think you should tell them. lixxie might break down if he does it. it's too dangerous." jeongin says

"break down? what does that mean?" chan asks curiously

"littles are extremely sensitive. if anyone shows even the smallest amount of rejection, his little side could freak out and force deregression. that in itself is awful for felix mentally. but also, his little side might never come back, it could be too scared to." jeongin looks at all of them "so felix, if you want to, just tell them. don't let your little side do it."

felix sighs and nods "you're right jeongin. I'm just so scared..."

"I'll tell them with you. They deserve to know anyways, since more than half of you know now."

"Let's tell them now. We can all talk in the living room okay?" Chan says, texting the groupchat and telling all the members to meet him in the living room asap.

felix and jeongin tense up, looking at chan in shock.

"h-hyung I..." felix tears up, his anxiety consuming him.

"shhh... don't worry about it lix. they will accept you. and we'll all be here for you." chan says, helping felix up and holding his hand, walking to the living room. seungmin did something similar with jeongin.


If the three members weren't already confused enough, this made it worse. changbin, minho, and han couldn't understand why now felix and jeongin were attatched to each other. or why jeongin and seungmin were now attatched as well. the whole ride back felix and jeongin were cuddling together while seungmin, chan, and hyunjin were watching over them. they felt a bit left out to be honest but they don't want to pressure felix into anything so they stay quiet.

they weren't suprised when the five of them went into one of their rooms. but they were shocked when they got a text asking to meet in the living room. maybe felix was ready to talk? jisung hoped so. he missed his sunshine and his cuddles.

the three of them looked at each other, silently hoping the same thing as they sat down in the living room waiting for the others.


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