Looking Back

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So back in my early twenties I dated a female Super-Villain... I know what you're thinking, so before you get all judgmental on me, just give me a moment to explain myself. First of all, and this is a critical point, she was insanely hot. Secondly, I had no idea what I was getting myself into. I just thought that I was extremely lucky to have landed this super hot babe. Did I mention that she was incredibly hot? If I did, I'm sure it's okay, it's probably worth mentioning more than once.

I should add at this point, that in spite of the initial promise of this relationship, I was left broken hearted, and permanently barred from entering Canada (more on this later).

It all started during a period of my life where I had very little going on. I had just made a move to the Boston area with little to no foreplanning. The only semblance of a plan was that I would try and go to University at some point. I was pretty naive really, I heard that they had some good schools there, but I had no idea which ones, or what their requirements might be. Was there a place called Harvard, or "Am I Tea"? Did that sound right? I wasn't sure at the time.

I landed a job at the East Boston Savings bank in Medford. It wasn't anything special, but it was enough to pay the bills. I liked living in Medford. I enjoyed the small town feel, and appreciated how close it was to the greater city of Boston. I found a small, but half-decent apartment in walking distance to work. This was important to me because I didn't own a car. Like I said, I had very little going for me.

If only it stayed that way, life would have been so much simpler.

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