A Requiem

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The wind doth howl, lonesome, akin to a specter,
Through the weary windowpane it doth venture.

Taunting each groan that escapes from my chest,
Till dawn's grim break grants a fleeting rest.

I ponder the memory of thy tender hands,
Lost to death's relentless demands.

The tears I've shed, as it doth seem,
Span centuries, soaking pillow and dream.

Tonight devours the remnants of hope,
Of finding joy with which to elope.

Out of tears, at least for this fleeting now,
Until they return, I do make a vow

To venture from my somber abode,
Where lost souls roam in shadows cold.

I rise from my resting place, my bed,
And heed the call of beckoning dead.

As I traverse through iron gates, tears sting mine eyes, their vessel's irate.

Through those eyes, I find thy name;
My descent to earth, a habit reclaim.

Grasping and scraping at rocks and grass, unmindful of the morbid impasse.

The dirt lands with thuds, an ominous sound,
Drowning mine aching in the burial ground.

As death's cold embrace encircles my form,
My smile eternally defies the norm.

Thy essence revealed, exposed to the air,
We're greeted once more, beyond our despair.

I'm more at home than e'er before,
Within thine arms, alone I'm no more.

Then, starting at once, thy face, I did find,
Peering above the hole I had mined.

Smiling down, as if thy soul had not left,
As if the reaper himself ne'er did once commit theft.

A sob bursts forth, yet a cheer of reunion,
Where death and life entwine in communion.

Thy radiant skin once more is restored,
Yet I cling to thy withering form, adored.

With this, a tear graces thy cheek too,
Thou'rt grateful that I am here with you.

As thy tear falls upon my head,
I cling steadfast to prior dead.

Thou throwest thy hands up to the air,
Releasing the dirt that thou grasped, bare.

Welcome, earth, swallow whole this unioned love,
Create a knoll, a macabre alcove.

Mine eyes desist as thou coverest me,
With each clod of dirt, a final decree.

Once thou ceasest and the deed is done, my love, I bequeath my life to none

But thee, with whom I lie below,
Our bodies clasped like long ago.

Cover me deeply, and with me do lay.
For where I am meant to be is the clay.

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