Fifth Year|Twenty|Fluff

642 21 10

Just call me your lady
If I pass this quiz will you give me your babies?
Don't call me crazy
You love me
But you won't come save me

Saturday, May 8th, 1975

Barty and Evan were hanging out under a tree by the lake. Barty was wearing one of Evan's hoodies, and Evan had his head on Barty's shoulder, occasionally kissing his neck.

Barty was reading a book aloud, and drawing circles on Evan's thigh with his thumb, when he stopped reading and hesitantly asked Evan a question.

"Hey, Ev, why were you covered in bruises at the beginning of the year?" He asked.

"Oh, uhm, it's not important. Keep reading" Evan replied, looking down at his hands.

"No, Ev, you came to school all beat up and shit. What happened?"

"It. Doesn't. Matter. Barty, please drop it"

"Panda said it was something about your parents"

"Barty, please just forget about it" Evan started to visibly get upset. He was staring straight down and had shifted away from Barty.

"Sorry" Barty apologized. "No, don't be sorry. I'll tell you if you tell me what happened with your dad" Evan replied, looking up at Barty.

"He's just a homophobic prick" Barty said. "Oh. Did he say something?" Evan asked.

"Yeah, he said something. Someone had sent him photos of us and..Lupin. And he just locked me in my room for almost the whole summer!" Barty complained.

"You and Lupin?" Evan inquired, the name catching his curiosity. "Yeah, we sorta had something going on last year" Barty confessed.

"Oh. Well, I figured"

"You figured?"

"Yeah, I mean you and Lupin were almost inseparable when he was hanging around us"



"So what happened with you?"

Evan hesitated. "I got arrested" he said quietly.

"You got arrested?!" Barty asked, shocked. "Yeah. I got into a fight with a muggle bloke and some asshole called the muggle police" Evan replied, getting quieter with every word he spoke.

"Really?" Barty took a second to process the information, "why didn't you tell me sooner? That just makes you hotter".

Evan's face went red. "Shut up" he said. Barty looked at him with a flirtatious look on his face. "I swear to Merlin, if you don't stop, I'm gonna kill you" Evan said with a growing grin.

"Stop what?" Barty asked, batting his eyelashes and twirling his green hair with his finger. "Oh my Merlin" Evan groaned. He stood up, and put his hand out for Barty to take it.

Barty took his hand, and Evan twirled him around then pushed him in the lake.

"Merlin's fucking beard, Ev! The water is fucking freezing, it's barely spring!" Barty yelled, clearly unimpressed, "I'm gonna get fucking hypothermia or something, you arsehole".

"Maybe that's the point. I mean I did say I was gonna kill you if you didn't stop" Evan grinned. Barty took off Evan's hoodie, and Evan replaced it with the jacket he was wearing.

"Thanks, love. I'm going inside to get changed, and you can sit there and think about what you've done, you annoying git" Barty ordered. Evan smiled innocently and sat back on the ground with his legs crossed.

"I hate you" Barty said, suppressing a smile. "Yeah, yeah. I know" Evan replied, still smiling. Barty started heading toward the castle before turning back confusedly. "Aren't you coming?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"You just said to stay here!"

"I wasn't being serious!"

"Well, duh, you were being Barty"

"I hate you"

"Nuh uh, im unhateable"

"You're impossible"

"Maybe I am, but that adds to my charm, right?"

"No. It makes me wonder why I like you"

"My dear lover! I am heartbroken" Evan fell backwards on the grass, clutching his chest as if he was having a heart attack.

Barty rolled his eyes and walked to the castle, and Evan followed suite.

When they got in the common room, Pandora and Regulus were playing Wizard's Chess. They looked up and when they saw an annoyed and soaked Barty standing next to a completely dry, giggling Evan, they connected the dots.

Regulus fought back a grin, meanwhile Pandora was full on wheezing.

"I'm glad you're enjoying this, I'm fucking freezing" Barty said and frustratedly stormed to their dorm. Evan called after him saying "You've got quite the obsession with that word today!", and was met with "Fuck you, you annoyingly hot delinquent!".

" 'Annoyingly hot delinquent'?" Regulus asked, intrigued, "you two dating or something?" He teased.

"No, no. He's just kidding around" Evan lied. He took a cigarette out of his fancy container that Dorcas had gotten him for Christmas the previous year, and lit it with his muggle lighter.

"Do you really have to do that in here? That shit stinks up the whole room" Regulus complained. "Sorry, where else would you like me to go? If a professor catches me smoking, I'd be sure to get detention, no doubt" Evan replied, taking a drag.

"You could just give it up altogether" Regulus suggested. "No thanks" Evan said, taking another drag.

"Y'know, you two completely swapped personalities. Like first year compared to second year, the two of you like switched your whole personalities" Pandora pointed out.

Regulus and Evan gave each other thoughtful looks. "Yeah, I guess" Evan agreed. Regulus gave a small smile.


THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 4K READS!! I love you all so so so so much.

Also I've noticed my chapters have been getting shorter, I'm gonna try to fix that, so leave any ideas you think I should add <3

The song at the beginning is Teacher's Pet by Melanie Martinez!

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