Chapter 4

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"Kim Taehyung, inform our militants to gather at the ground at 2:35 pm for an urgent meeting" Commander Seokjin ordered after viewing the fax.
"Yes Sir" Taehyung bowed to Seokjin and went to inform his team members.

2 : 30 pm

After his meeting with Commander Seokjin Taehyung went to the camp house where the militants will be present.

" Attention Soldiers, assemble at our ground by 2: 35 pm. Inform others who is currently at pantry and gunroom too. Commander Seokjin will be there to pass us an important information ". Taehyung informed the militants.

"Yes, Sir!" The militants answered together and saluted him.

They dispersed to gather at the ground and to inform the other soldiers. Taehyung went towards the medical room where Wooshik and Seojoon is resting. He slowly opened the door and find both of them sleeping peacefully. So he retreated from there and walked towards the ground.

Seeing Wooshik in pain make Taehyung really worried. Taehyung can't imagine what will happen if he never reached near Wooshik on time. It has been 4 years since they are together. Wooshik is only hope of his family. Wooshik's brother is intellectually disabled and father is bedridden. His mother makes money by working as a clean staff at neighbour's home. He joined army for the well-being of his family.

"Wooshikaa, what's your biggest dream? Tae asked Wooshik while lying near him at night.
"I want to build a nice house. I want my father to lie on a bed with good cushion and to stop my mother from doing her cleaning job. If I die during a mission, can you please fulfill my dream ?" Wooshik replied by looking at Taehyung's face.
"Don't think badly. You will get all your dream come true. Now close your eyes and sleep" Taehyung said by hugging Wooshik.

2:35 pm

Militants gathered at the ground in the meeting position attentively . Commander Seokjin reached at ground and faced the militants. Militants bowed and saluted him.

" We have been informed that a group of three teenagers established themselves as natives of South Korea and crossed the border. As we all know that the trespassing will be their plan to create a havoc at border. I think the terrorists present at Daesong-dong valley also internally helping them. The previous trespassing incidents were taken place on the market place". Seokjin said

"Medical team prepare the necessary medical facilities in emergency , Storage team arrange the equipments for mission, Communication team arrange the wireless and communication devices ready and Finally every one except Lieutenant Hwang Hyunjin, Lee Tae Yong , Moon Tae Il, Lee Yong bok, Seo Young Ho and Kim Dong Young can now disperse. Lieutenant Hyunjin is the leader of the mission " Commander Seokjin announced to the militants.

Everyone except the mentioned militants left the ground and engaged in the duties. "Does he avoid me from the team because of Today's incident?" Taehyung thought while returning from the ground.

" Sir Taehyung, Wooshik has been awake. He is asking for you" A militant bowed and informed to him.

Taehyung walked towards the medical room. Upon reaching he saw Wooshik who is sitting on the bed while sipping on a coffee. Taehyung sat beside him.

"Tae, why are you not saying anything ? I'm okay now." Wooshik said by placing his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

Taehyung hugged him tighly and said "You really made me panic. If I was late then I would have lost you".

"Why was there an urgent meeting? Does Commander scold you for today's incident?" Wooshik enquired.

" No, there is another trespassing occurrence at border. So there is a mission for finding them" Taehyung said.

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