Chapter 5

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     "So this is where you live?" Gabe asked. Well at least it sounded like a question to me. I nodded my head as i sat on the edge of my bed watching Ben and Gabe observe my small warehouse like apartment.

     "Doesn't it get lonely?" Ben asked.

     "Not really, I have Oreo." My little Dalmatians head popped out from under my feet when he heard his name.

      I picked him up carefully and placed him on my lap. My doggy was my best-est friend in the world. Well, next to Nessa. I got him a month ago when i decided this warehouse was to scary for just me to stay in.

      "He's a cute little guy. Where'd you get him?" Gabe asked as he came over and took Oreo off of my lap.

       "Theirs a pet shop up the road. This place was way to vacant for me to be here alone so i thought why not get a dog y'know?"

      Gabe grabbed the small Dalmatian off my lap and began to laugh as he licked his face over and over again. I smiled at them, I guess he's not that bad of a guy.

     "So... Olly about you and Drew..." I glanced over at Ben who was already staring at me. He looked cautious about talking about the subject.

     "What about us?" i asked sullenly.

      "Are you still dating him or what?"

      "I... don't know." I answered, because the truth was, i didn't. I was so tired of crying over something i knew was pointless. Gabe set Oreo down and sat next to me on my bed, Ben doing the same.

      "We know Drew doesn't seem like the nicest guy but he's not a bad guy either." Gabe explained.

       "Why do you guys even care?" I asked blinking back tears. I didn't want to talk about Drew. I'd rather talk about anything else. I guess i should have expected it though, they are his friends.

       "Because we like you Olive, It's not that hard to figure out." Ben smiled.

        "You might, i'm not to sure about that one." I said motioning to Gabe.

         Gabe chuckled "Okay, i tease you a lot but that doesn't mean i don't like you. Your actually pretty chill."

       The tears and sadness i was holding back were replaced with giddiness. "Wow an Actual Compliment from Gabe O'Donnell . Never thought i'd see the day."

        He scoffed and Ben Chuckled. "Whatever, What were trying to say is your a likable person and Drew likes you too."

       "I really doubt it. He only has me around because i asked him out and he doesn't care who he goes out."

       "Okay yeah, maybe that was true at first. Before you he went out with lots of sluts but your probably the only normal girl he's agreed to go out with." Ben said.

           My heart skipped a beat. I don't even know why, Drew just had this affect on me. "You guys might not go on dates or act like a couple. All that girl crap you girls need but he does like you a lot. Did you not see that death Glare he gave Ben when he saw you were wearing Ben's sweater today? Ben would be dead right now if looks could kill."

        I chuckled while Ben yelled at Gabe to Shut the hell up. Suddenly my phone started vibrating in my back pocket. When i pulled it out to look at the caller I.D my heart skipped a beat.

        "Who is it?" Gabe laughed while trying to avoid being hit by the pillows Ben was throwing at him.


         "Well don't just sit their idiot. Answer it." I quickly glared at him before answering the call.



            "Y-yeah?" I stuttered. I know i sounded stupid but this is the first time he has ever called me. Gabe and Ben started to statre at me so i was getting more uncomfortable by the second.

            "Are you okay? I went by the shop and your boss said you left already."

            He went to my job?! He actually came looking for me?! I wanted to run around the room and jump for joy but sadly now wasn't the time for that. I had to play it cool.

          "Yeah I did an earlier shift after I kinda stormed out of school. Sorry about that by the way... for yelling."

          Their was a pause and all of a sudden this whole call felt really intense for some reason. "No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't make you keep apologizing for things I started and I should have said something to that girl. I made you cry right? I've probably done that a lot in the last 3 months. I want to make things up to you. 

          "Okay." Gabe and Ben are looking at me questionably as I try to hold back a grin.

           "So...will you uh go on a date with me tomorrow night maybe?" If it was possible my heart would have probably exploded. He just asked me on a date. He really asked me on a date! I was so happy i could actually but then i realized i hadn't replied to him yet.

           "Sure, Id like that." I said as calmly as i could.

            "Cool, does five sound okay?"

             "Yeah" I finally allow myself to grin. 

            "Kay, well see you tomorrow."

            "Yeah, tomorrow."


             "Bye." I pressed the end button and my phone fell to the floor.
              "What?"Ben asked.
                "He asked me to go  on a date!" I exclaimed. I jumped up in excitement and started happy dancing. I didn't care if they were watching, I was excited. 
                "See we told you didn't we?" Gabe smiled.
               I pulled them both into a really tight hug and squealed. As I pulled away they both grinned at me. Maybe things weren't so bad after all.


I'm lagging way too much, I know. I'm out of school now though!  This chapter was more of a filler but I promise this will start to get a lot more interesting really soon!

I have summer school but only for a couple weeks so I'll be able to update more frequently. 

Hope you enjoyed the chapter :)

- xX A♥

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