Chapter 16

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   "I really don't want a birthday party. " I tell everyone as we eat lunch. By everyone I mean Nessa, Drew, Gabe and Ben. When I took a leave of absence from school Nessa started to hang with Drew's friend because why not? Also there was the small fact that she had a crush on Ben but that was none of my business. It was also besides the point. Apparently the whole group had been planning this huge birthday party for me tomorrow which just so happened to be on the same day as Gabe's gig. Supposedly the place was going to be packed so they thought of the idea of having my birthday party there on the same day. A birthday party I didn't want.

"Come on babe. It'll be fun." Drew put his arm around me and smiled.

"Yeah," Gabe adds on. "Plus, it's tomorrow so you can't really back out now.

I sighed. I haven't properly celebrated my birthday since I turned. Not that I didn't want my parents just stopped celebrating it; they even stopped giving me gifts. Ironically enough for my seventeenth when they told me they had a surprise for me it was that they were letting me move out a year before I graduated high school. Yay? This was my eighteenth though. I was basically legal now but that really didn't mean anything.

I sigh and look at Nessa. "It's not like I really have a choice right? You're going to have the party even if I say no?"

"You know me so well!" She grins. "So, that's a yes right?"

I shrug and lay my head on Drew's shoulder.

Drew, Gabe and Nessa all smile at the same time and fist bump each other. "Don't worry Olly, It'll be amazing. We passed out flyers and everything."

I give them a small smile before I shut my eyes. Suddenly, I feel fingers running through my hair.

"What's wrong?" Drew's low voice says softly into my ear. "Do you not want the party that much?"

I try to shake my head as it is still rested on his shoulder.

"I'm just tired." I say truthfully. Ever since my Mom dropped by at random I had felt unnaturally exhausted. It only been five days since then. My Mother went home quietly thank goodness. Though, she sent me a text the day she did leave that basically told me how disappointed she was even though she didn't have the right to be.

"Hey..." I reopen my eyes and look at Drew. "I have a surprise for you later."

I raise my eyebrows at him curiously. "What kind of surprise?"

"You'll have to come over to find out." He smiles at me.

I shake my head at him is disbelief but smile at him anyway.

"Where's Annalise and your parents?" I ask Drew when I'm met with silence as I step into his house. Before I knew It I got used to the little patterning feet running to greet me.

"My parents are working I think and Annalise is at pre-school until her nanny brings her home." Drew explains as he leads me up the stairs to his room.

"She has a nanny?"

He nods. "Yeah, my parents are gone most of the time and I'm at school so yeah."

"Oh." I go straight to his bed and lay down before burying my face in the pillows. I feel as if I could fall asleep instantly.

"Hey, don't fall asleep on me." I feel the bed sink beside and then there's an arm around my waist and a chest pressed to my back.

"I thought you said you had a surprise for me. If you just wanted me to come over to spoon you could've just said so I wouldn't have thought you were creepy." I joke with him.

He chuckles. "You promise? Even if I never let you leave this bed again? You'll be forced to spoon with me forever."

I smile to myself then turn my body so that I can face him and hook my arms under his so were practically hugging. "I promise, I only want to spoon with you forever."

His arms get tighter around me and I can't help but think this is our silent "I Love you's" to each other. I never really knew when the right time to say I love you would be. We've been dating for almost five months but we've only started acting like a real couple about a month ago. I had no doubt in my mind about loving him though. It was inevitable. I also think that there is a small chance that he feels the same about me. I've heard somewhere before that you don't always have to hear someone say "I love you" to know that they do. It's the small things they do that just shows you.

"As much as I'd love spoon with you forever I actually do have a surprise for you." He says quietly. I can here the smile in his voice. After slowly pulling away from me and sitting up he reaches over to his bed stand and grabs two pieces of paper that were set down. He seems hesitant about showing it to me but eventually he just hands one of them over to me. I grab the paper and sit up as well.

At the top of the paper it read, In The Matter of The Adoption of Annalise Catherine Pierce. Under that was printedConsent of Stepparent Adoption.

Adoption papers. Stepparent? "But we're not-"

When I looked up Drew was holding up a marriage license form. I took the paper from his hands slowly but only stared at it.

"If we don't get married and you adopt Annalise I won't have any rights to her anymore." He breaks the silence. "I'm not saying I only want to marry you for Annalise's sake though."

He takes one of my hands in his as I continue to stare at him dumbfounded. Too much is happening at once. "I know were too young to get married and you probably don't want to marry me right now or at all actually but If you do I want to think of this piece of paper more as a promise. I don't know what will happen with us in a year or even five or ten years from now but I know I still want to be with you.
I know I'm a dick..." He forces out a laugh. " and I don't know how you put up with me for the last few months while I got my shit together but I want to be a better guy than I am now in the future. Annalise and I really, really care about you and I know everything I'm saying right now is a mess..." I stay quiet as he sighs and runs his free hand through his hair.

Drew's hand is starting to get clammy in mine. I'm not really sure what he's trying to say either honestly. From what he's said so far I can tell this isn't a proposal though which made me calm down a bit. He continues to speak.

"You don't have to sign the paper but I guess I'm saying that if you do, it will mean that when your ready, and if you want to we can get married officially? but for now since were doing things sort of backward, only if you still want to, will you help me make my daughter our daughter? " His hand is now full on sweating and It should be gross to me but I can't find myself to really care.

I let go of his hand and grab the papers before standing from the bed and walking over the nightstand on his side. I set the papers down on the nightstand and grabbed the pen that was set there.

When I left Drew's later that day both papers were signed.


   Three or Four more chapters guys! 

    I'm actually really sad this story is ending and sadly there won't be a sequel :/

    Anyway, I hope you all like the chapter and rest to come 

    xX -A♥

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