Chapter 19

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I walked out of the hospital that night alone and without anyone knowing. It's been three days since then and I can't find it in myself to get out of bed other than to walk Oreo. I don't understand what I'm feeling it's like I'm hollow.

I kept receiving phone calls but I never checked to see who from or picked them up. In result, my phone died. Not having Drew around didn't feel real. It was like I would run into him or he would come over any minute like nothing ever happened.

"Olly!" There's a sudden banging on my apartment door and someone is yelling. The voice sounds male. I don't get out of bed though. I don't want to. I only stare at it. I'm exhausted and drained. I've probably only gotten around six hours of sleep in the last three day. Oreo starts whining and jumps from the bed to run towards the door.

"Olly, open the door!" The person starts banging again. Soon enough it stops and I think the person has left but soon enough the hand on the door is jiggling and door is being pushed open. In walks Luke. I look at him and he looks at with frustration. "What the hell, Olly?"

"What was the point of banging on the door if you have a key?" I say quietly.

He shakes his head and walks over to my bed to sit beside me. "Olly, you're going to have to get out of bed sooner or later."

"Never works too." I couldn't help but feel sort of dramatic about how I was acting but I couldn't help it. It was like my whole world came crashing down.

"No it doesn't but that's exactly what you should be doing, working or at school."

"Don't want to." I mumble.

"Yeah, but you have to."

I don't say anything.

Luke lets out a frustrated groan. "Olly, everyone's worried about you."

I remain quiet and he sighs. "Drew's parents stopped by the café."

Now that grabs my attention. "Why?"

"Olly..." he says hesitantly. "She is legally your daughter now you know."

I'm an idiot. I'm sitting here moping about how I lost my boyfriend when Annalise has lost her father.

"God, I'm stupid." I sit up slowly and run my fingers through my hair. "Can you pass me the Ziploc on the dresser, please?"

Luke goes to retrieve the plastic bag then walks back and hands it to me. "What is it?"

I open the bag and pull out the two pieces on paper I expected to be inside. The first reads: Certificate of Adoption. This is to certify that Olive Janet Pierce is now the legal parent/guardian of Annalise Catherine Pierce.

Pierce? I look at the other paper which is the marriage license and see that it is stamped at the stop which means it has been accepted. Olive Pierce. I can't help but feel the irony of being widowed at the age of eighteen without an actual ceremony or anything.

I am about to shove the papers back into the bag when I see something else at the bottom. I reach my hand in and pull out another plastic bag that is about the size of my hand. When I open it, it's like my heart returned to body just to be smashed again. I pull out the gold ring that is in the shape of a tiara and is embroidered with Aquamarine diamonds. It's beautiful. It was probably my birthday gift now that I think about it.

I let out a heavy sigh and stand.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Luke asks.

"Go see my daughter, of course."

Luke drives me to the Pierces' home and I have millions of things running through my head. How was I supposed to take care of a toddler on my own? I wasn't emotionally or financially stable enough. Am I even capable of being a mother?You'll be a great one. Drew's words from the night we made up ring in my head. He believes in me.

I shut the car door behind me as I exit the car. Luke walks up beside me.

"You're coming with me?" I ask. It's not that I don't want him to. I'm just surprised.

He gives me a comforting smile. "I'll be there if you need moral support."

I smile back at him.

I ring the doorbell to his home and not a minute later Drew's father answers the door.

"Olive." He says warmly. "Please, come in."

I enter the house with Luke following close behind.

"You're Luke, correct? I believe we met at the café?" Mr. Pierce asks my cousin.

"Yes, nice to see you again Mr. Pierce." Luke says politely.

"Please, call me Daniel." He says kindly before turning back to me. He leads us into the living room so we can all sit down.

"Olive, how have you been holding up?" he suddenly asks.

"I haven't really." I say honestly. "How are you and Mrs. Pierce?"

Daniel is still smiling but he I can see the sorrow in his face. "As well as a parent who loses there child can be. My wife has thrown herself into her work and I have been home. Your children aren't supposed to pass before you."

We are all silent after that. It doesn't feel right to break it. Luckily though, a certain little girl changes that.

"Olly!" Annalise comes from the back door and runs towards me before jumping onto my lap. I look down at her and grin at her. It's unreal how much she looks like Drew. The resemblance shakes me but I am sure to keep my composure.

"Hi, princess!" I hug her. "How are you, beautiful?"

She giggles at me but doesn't reply to my question. Though, she does say something else. "Have you seen my prince?"

I hadn't cried since Drew passed but this question had water pooling to my eyes instantly. The pain in my chest is unbearable and I can feel my stomach drop. I look up to Drew's dad and his smile is now gone. He looks like he's going to cry instead. I look over to Luke for help but he also looks lost for words. I can feel my throat start to burn. How do you tell a three year old that there never going to see their dad again? How do you hope that a little girl will understand that she can't see her dad because no matter how much you wish he'd come back, he just can't.

"Well, where do you think he is?"

"Grandpa say prince go away. You know where?" She looks at me hopefully.

"Honey, daddy had to leave for a long time."

Her smile drops and I regret my words instantly.

"He come back?" She asks sadly. I couldn't control it anymore. The tears were falling.

Annalise must have taken my silence and tears as a no because then she began to cry.

"Why he not come back? Prince not want be with me anymore?" She says between tears.

"No sweetie. He loves you very much." I choke out.

"Then why he leave me?" I then I remember the ring around my neck. Instead of wearing it on my finger I put it on a chain to wear as a necklace. I didn't need it; Drew left me a little girl to take care of. I wasn't going to fail. I wipe my eyes as best I could before I take the necklace from my neck and place it around Annalises'.

"Prince left this as a special gift for you." I tell her as I try to calm myself down.

She picks up the ring in her hand and stares at it. "For me?"

"Yep." I put on my best smile for her. "He wanted me to tell you that he'll always love his little princess and that when you're all grown up you'll be the best princess in the world. And guess what?"

"What?" Her tears haven't completely stopped but she's getting there.

"I'll be with you too, forever."

"You'll stay forever?" She asks like it's beyond belief. "You won't leave? You promise?"

I nod at her with a smile on my face. She wraps her arms around my neck and hugs me tightly. It took everything I had not to sob with her.
Annalise fell asleep on my lap and Luke offered to put her to sleep in her room. Once he is gone I decide it is now or never to bring up what I really came here for. I reach into my purse to pull out both papers and hand them to Daniel. His eyes are bloodshot and this is probably a horrible time but I'll most likely never bring it up if I don't know.

"What is this?" He asks.

"They're adoption papers and a marriage license. Drew wanted me to adopt Annalise so she could have a mother and I agreed. He got the adoption accepted on that day." I explain softly.

Oddly enough he looks amused. I think I hear him utter the words "So he actually did it." Before he hands the papers back to me.
"Do you believe you can take care of Annalise alone?"

No. I think to myself. It's what Drew wanted though. We were supposed to be a family so I wasn't going to ignore that.

"I am in no shape to take care of Annalise but I will try my hardest to do what I can for her. I'll finish school and try to find another job. Drew wanted me to be her mother and I want to be able to take on that role. " I say truthfully.

"And just how do you expect to care for Annalise while going to school and finding another job?" He doesn't sound like he's going to reject the idea just genuinely curious about how I plan to go through with what I'm saying.

"I'll be helping her." Luke says as he appears back in the living room.Drew's dad looks at him momentarily then back at me before smiling. "Well, I can't really deny my sons' wishes now, can I?"

He stands up and sighs. "We'll provide money and an apartment big enough for you, Annalise and this boy to live in until you can find a stable job and afford to do so, on your own. The money we give you is for Annalises' expenses of course and if you fail to care for her properly we will take you to revoke you of any rights you have to her. Understood?"

There is a smile on his face but I know he's being serious. This was his business face.

"Understood." I reply and go to shake his hand. Instead of going to shake my hand he pulls me into a hug.

"You're practically my daughter-in-law no need for formalities." He chuckles and I smile. I can't help but think Drew would be happy.

"I will be in contact with the details as soon as possible. You should be moved into an apartment by the end of the week." Daniel says as Luke and I exit the house.

"Okay, it was nice seeing you Mr. Pierce." I grin at him.

"Olly, didn't I tell you to call me Daniel? I'm basically your father-in-law you should be calling me dad." He chastises me jokingly.

I laugh. "Sorry, Daniel, I'll try to get used to."

I exchange one last smile with him before I get into Luke's car and he drives me back home. I let the tears out as soon as he starts to drive. It felt good to cry.

"So I'll see you at work tomorrow then?" Luke asks as I get out.

"Yes." I smile at him.

"I swear Olly, if you're not there."

"Calm your balls." I say playfully. "I'll be there."

He laughs "Fine, I trust you. See you tomorrow."

I nod at him and wave goodbye.

When I get inside I lay back on my bed immediately. I should probably try to sleep since I haven't gotten much in the last few days. Maybe I'll actually sleep through the night. I notice the Ziploc still on my bed from before. I got to move it off but before I do I notice a small notecard in the tinier bag that the ring was in before. I quickly grab it and hold it above my face to read it.

Am I a beast? 'Cause you're definitely a beauty. ;)
Happy Birthday, I love you <3

I am reminded of the pick-up line war Drew and I had on our first date and smile to myself. He was such a dork. Then there was the "I love you." I've come to the terms that he knew he was going to pass that night. He really was saying goodbye when he told me he loved. He even waited till I left the room to pass.

Drew was such an unpredictable guy. He made you feel all these emotions out of nowhere and made you question everything. I loved him for it though. Why? because that was just His Effect On Me.



         Well...that's it :)

        Well, that's not it. There's an epilogue coming soon but other than that this story is over.

        I really hope you all enjoyed it ♥ Thank you everyone for reading it :)

       xX -A♥

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