Chapter 11

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   "I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever." Nessa whined to me as we stood in front of my locker. "You and your lover boy have been spending so much time together. He's stealing away my best friend."

I giggled at Nessa's complaining.

  It's true, Drew and I have been spending a lot of time together since that night and I was loving every second of it. We had gotten noticeably closer. He pick's me up from work every morning and takes me back after school. Sometime's he'll stay to watch me sing for awhile and if he doesn't he'll come back when my shift is over to take me home. Were not all that couple-like honestly. I guess you could say were more like really good friends. We've been dating for four months now and we haven't kissed yet but, i think i'm okay with that. It's not that I don't want to kiss him, I'd be crazy if I didn't. I'm just saying that for some odd reason this is just starting to feel really new; like were starting all over again.

  "We'll hang out this weekend alright? Lucas is giving me Sunday off so you can spend the night Saturday night if you want?" I smiled at her.

  She grinned then hugged me tightly "Of course!"

   I really did miss Nessa. Before Drew started actually acting like a boyfriend, all of my free time was spent with Nessa. Now that we actually hang out I feel like I've replaced her. Of course, that's not the case. I just love my boyfriend more than I should.

   "Olive." Speak of the devil. Ness and I pulled apart and turned to see Drew now beside us. I smiled shyly and wrapped my arms around his neck. He returned the gesture by wrapping his arms around my waist. I don't know exactly when it started, but at some point it just feel like Drew and I molded together. I relaxed to his touch. It could sometimes be a bit overwhelming when I thought about how completely gone I was for me. Maybe it will turn out to be worth it in the end though.

   "Hello." I said quietly.

   "Hi." We pulled apart but still held onto each other, just staring . Even though we weren't all that romantic together we had are moments. We would hug and stare at each other for long periods of time. Maybe to other people this would be awkward but to us it was pretty normal. Their was a lot of abnormal stuff about our situation. It was really surprising how honest Drew was with his emotions.
If you don't know Drew you'd think he's a really closed off guy. He looks like the kind of guy that doesn't like to be around other people or the type that pushes anyone away if they try to get close . Maybe In someway he is that guy, but only because he doesn't know who actually wants to be his friend and who just wants him for his money. He's not good with people and he's put under a lot of pressure by not only his parents but people who expect things from him. I really do with their was someway I could help him. Just let him know he doesn't have to be the guy that everyone expects him to be. I just don't know how.

   I heard a loud sigh. When I looked behind me Nessa was standing their trying to look irritated at Drew and me but I knew it wasn't serious. I know Nessa is as happy as I am about the progress in the relationship. "I'm just gonna leave you two alone then."

   She smiled at us quickly before walking away. I breathed out a laugh then looked back at Drew. He smiled fondly at me and I returned the gesture.

   "I have something for you." He let go of my waist to pull something from his backpack. I was confused that he said he had something for me but I was more shocked that anything when he pulled a sparkly white out of his bag.

   When he handed it to me I ran my fingers over the clear jewels that were shaped like flowers before glancing up at him to give him a look as if asking "why?"

   "It's from Annalise," He stated carefully and took it carefully from my hands. "When you came over that time she wanted to give it to you but forgot."

   He placed the tiara on top of my head causing me to turn beet red. I glanced around the halls self cautiously and noticed the obvious stares we were getting. "I can't where this around school y'know."

   "You don't have to." He said as he moved one of his hands up next to my cheek, pushing a loose piece of hair behind my hair. "I just wanted to see it on you."

   He looked at me thoughtfully and I stared into his hazel eyes. I couldn't help but wonder if he knew he was making me going insane. The affect he had on me was ridiculous.
Before I knew it we were both beginning to lean in. I could feel my heart rate pick up feeling as if I was about to go into cardiac arrest. When are lips were mere centimeters apart a sudden shout of Drew's name made him stop.

   Drew pursed his lips and I groaned mentally. Someone definitely had a death wish. As we stepped away from each other I looked behind Drew to see Gabe and Ben. I swear one day I'm going to snap and go off on them. I was this close to having my first kiss with my boyfriend of almost half a year now and they just have to destroy the moment.

   "What up bro?" Gabe greeted Drew with their guy hand shake I could never understand. To me Drew looked irritated. Maybe a little more irritated than me oddly enough. I then saw him look at Ben and they only nodded at each other. Maybe it was just me but it was like they weren't talking. Their friendship actually seemed a bit off for the last month now.

   Gabe looked at me and smirked "Oliver, I see you're going for a new look."

   I suddenly remembered the tiara on top of my head. Blushing from embarrassment, I quickly pulled the object off "Drew's little sister gave it to me."

   "Little sister? I didn't know you had a sister." Ben said puzzled.

   I looked at Drew now confused. I was pretty sure Gabe and Ben had been to Drew's house way more than I had. Drew kept a straight face and nodded. "Yea, remember Annalise?"

   "Right! I Love little Annalise. How is she?" A grin crossed Ben's face that didn't look all that convincing.

   The conversation about Drew's little sister went on for a bit until the bell rang. It was obvious something was being kept from me. I don't think I want to know though. As long as is didn't seem that important I could deal with playing stupid for awhile.

 What are you doing after work?  When the note landed on my desk I glanced over at Drew who was leaning his head against his hand and looking to the front of the class pretending to pay attention to are AP Euro Teacher, as always.

   I quickly scribbled down a Nothing,why and passed the note back to him.

   Soon, the folded piece of paper was back on my desk. Can I come over?

   It wasn't like Drew hadn't been to my place since that random visit that one day. It's just that I still wasn't extremely comfortable with him seeing how poorly I was living. I hadn't told him or Lucas yet, but about a week ago their was a pink eviction letter left on my apartment door informing me that If I didn't pay my rent by the end of the month I was going to be homeless. I didn't want to call my mom. I also didn't want to worry Luke with my problems. In result, I've been looking for a second job. I'd probably have to start trying to get homework done on the weekends or at the coffee shop but I didn't want to be a burden on other people.

   Before completely making the decision I wrote out another why? to Drew.

   I could hear him quietly scoff next to me before he slid the note back to me. What? I can't spend time with my girlfriend?

   The word girlfriend was underlined. About a week ago I slightly recall telling him something about how I really liked when he called me his girlfriend. I don't know if that was the best or most embarrassing moment of my life because I also recall him saying something about how adorable I was.

    I bit my lip attempting to fight  a grin and tossed the note back to him after writing down a simple fine.


Enjoy the rest of your day ^.^

Also please leave feedback :) It want to do everything I can to make this story enjoyable for everyone ♥

xX -A♥ 

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