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Everyone gasps in shock as Jisoo hits Yoongi's face with the ice cream and makes him fall on the ground. He touches his face and sees ice cream on his fingers as he gets angry.

Yoongi: What's up with you?
Jisoo: does she have more money than you? Did you yourself earn all the money that you have? What? It's common for me to be so nosy? It's common for me not to overlook rich ba****ds who think it's okay to act out because they have wealthy families to bail them out. What about it?

(She takes out some money notes from her pocket and throws the notes on Yoongi's face as Jimin smiles and she leaves after sticking her dry cleaning store's sticker on his forehead)

Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all smile at Jisoo's behaviour because they've never seen a girl with so much courage who would do such things to Yoongi.

Yoongi: What?! Who is that piece of crap?! I'm looking for a way to completely crush that little weed.
Taehyung: why are you even bothering to think about her? Just handle things the way you always do.
Yoongi: Man! You're really smart! (Hugs him)
Jisoo Dry cleaners! You're dead now.

Next morning
Jisoo goes to her locker and opens it only to find people staring at her and she saw there was the red F4 card in her locker, hanging right at the front.

Random girl: look! look! Kim Jisoo, second year, class B, got an F4 Red Card!
(Everyone cheers in excitement)

Jisoo: what is this, a soccer field? What are they talking about? A red card? (She pulls out the red card) what? (She throws it on the ground and crushes it with her feet) and heads to her classroom.

When she enters the classroom she saw her desk was missing.

Wendy: hello, crazy! I guess your desk isn't here.
Miranda: how can you study with us when you're a commoner?
Jooe: Why did you even come to school?
Jisoo: my book! Hey move over.
( she sees her book on the ground with all sorts of curse words written on it. When she tries to take the book it move further away from her as she sees a string attached to it then she further tries take the book and the people pull the book so that she doesn't get handed it and everybody laughs at her, she gets annoyed, then she reaches her desk, where all sorts of bad words are written just so that she could go away from there. Everybody gabs around in the circle to see her humiliation.)

Jisoo: Who did this if you have something to say, then say in my face! Who did it? (suddenly an egg hits her head has she gets startled..just then more people throw eggs at her and now her whole uniform is covered with eggs. Yes, then Jisoo remembers that her father told her that clothes like her uniform must be treated as kind as gold because they are precious and expensive. As her father had ironed it himself.

Jisoo: throw more! throw more! Just try and throw more! (Everyone woos as people throw more eggs on her and then suddenly a huge mountain of flour is poured on her. While everybody claps looking at that. Jisoo didn't know what to do anymore. She had tears in her eyes as she was all soaked up in flour and eggs head to toe. She looked at Nayeon who just looked at her with a guilty look and walked away as she didn't do anything to protect her friend. And Jisoo was disappointed at her

Meanwhile Yoongi watched the scene as it unfolded on his personal TV...he saw how Jisoo was a mess

Taehyung: isn't it over now?
Yoongi: what do you mean over? It'll be over when that commoner kneels before me. So that's why they say not to bother a sleeping wolf.
Jungkook: don't you mean a lion?
Taehyung: it seems this time it won't last even for a week.
Jungkook: one week? I say not even three days. Taehyung, if I win, I get that traditional pot from your last show.
Taehyung: for a fool that can't tell a pot from a water bottle, what's the sudden interest?
Jungkook: my baby is a fan of pottery..
Yoongi: hey guys, shut up! It's almost time for her to show up. All right, five, four, three, two, one.

He gets dumbfounded as she doesn't appear, he laughs and claps his hands.
Yoongi: ah, that's right, she's probably embarrassed to show up in front of me in that disastrous state. Yep, I was a bit hasty. One more time, five, four, three, two......one! (He gets annoyed as she still doesn't come. He calls someone and asks where Jisoo went)

Meanwhile Jisoo goes to the isolated part of the building..

Jisoo: Sureender? You wish! You think I'm a grass that u can simply walk over? You picked the wrong person. I have survived everything till now. Commoners are nothing if not unyielding and persevering! You should know that! (Screams)

Suddenly she hears a noise near the stairs..
Jisoo: (scared) who's there?
She sees Park Jimin coming up the stairs
Jimin: you're really noisy every time I see you. Do you know how to make pancakes?
Jisoo: what?
Jimin: pancakes.
Jisoo: all you have to do is mix flour, eggs, milk and sugar and fry it.
Jimin: that's simple. (He looks at her messed state and comes close to her to see, he then takes out his precious handkerchief and starts to wipe her face and uniform...and then gives the cloth to her)
Jisoo: your handkerchief...
Jimin: I don't need it.
Jisoo: I'll return it to you next time.
Jimin: I'm not going to come here anymore. It's no longer quiet, thanks to someone. And he walks away.

Jisoo walks into the empty classroom to find a teddy bear on her desk. It was from Nayeon. She recorded an apology in the bear and kept clean clothes on her desk.
After school Jisoo goes to a dry cleaning shop to get her uniform cleaned. She negotiates with the dry cleaner to give her a discount as she didn't have much money.

On the other hand, The F4 boys, Yoongi, Jimin, Taehyung and Jungkook all were gathered for lunch at the 5 star hotel owned by the MINHWA Group.
And Jisoo was eating dinner at her house while stuffing her face. Her mother told her to maintain her figure and not eat to much as she tries to snatch Jisoo's food away. Her father was ironing her uniform when he gets a smell from her uniform and gets suspicious.

Next day Jisoo goes for a swim at the school swimming pool wearing a backless swimsuit 🩱
She looks at herself in the mirror 🪞
Jisoo: has my stomach gotten bigger? A little bit. I'm sorry I haven't been able to take care of you. I'm only putting up with this because of the swimming pool. If I would've been here from the get-go I would've been in the olympics by now. She then goes to the swing pool only to see a luge amount of trash splattered in the pool

Jisoo: what is this? MIN YOONGI!!!!

While the F4 boys were relaxing in their own place. Taehyung and Jungkook were drinking tea when they saw Yoongi smiling to himself.

Taehyung: what's going on? You keep smiling to yourself.
Yoongi: she's probably really pissed off right now.
Jungkook: who?
Taehyung: perhaps the laundry girl? Still?
Jungkook: wait a minute. How long has it been?
Taehyung: it's been over a week! Okay I win
Jungkook: she's really something.
Taehyung: Wait. Isn't she the first girl who really stood up to the F4?
Yoongi looked at him.
Yoongi: what are you saying? It's only because I'm going easy on her. But how come Jimin is not here again?
Taehyung: he's probably sleeping somewhere.
And yes Jimin was sleeping in the gym.
While Jisoo was collecting all the trash from the pool making her frustrated. She got out of the pool and went to the changing room, after she had put her skirt and shirt on, three boys who were hired by Yoongi, sneakily hid there and watched her. Jisoo felt someone's presence behind her and she turned to see a boy standing behind her...he forcefully held her shoulder, but Jisoo pushed him away and he fell down. She tried to run away but two more boys held her and tried to force her...

What will happen with her?
Really sorry for the late update...I was really busy with college and exams so I didn't get any time to update but I hope you like this part and please do vote if you appreciate my work. Thank you! I love y'all ❤️😊🌸

Word count : 1490 words.

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