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Jisoo: give me my uniform right now! (Scream)

After Jisoo left to change into her uniform leaving the expensive dress and jewellery behind, Yoongi was frustrated as hell.
Maids were walking here and there to clear all the mess...Yoongi groans loudly and throws everything on the ground he sees in frustration.

Yoongi: throw all of this in the trash!
The maid just looks down at the ground in fear
Yoongi: did you not hear me tell you to throw it away?
Butler: yes, young master.
Yoongi: and fire them all.
Butler: what?
Yoongi: fire everyone who served that girl. What was with the hair? And the clothes? Was that tacky style the best they could do? Find other ones. Go and bring the best ones.
Butler: those who worked today were the best staff.
Yoongi: then you can just find more expensive ones.
Butler: (small smile) yes of course.

Meanwhile Jisoo came down wearing her uniform, walking while tapping her heels on the clean floor....she walked around looking at the house, being stunned by the interior

Jisoo: this bathroom...it's bigger than my whole house. She smiled at the beautiful designs.

Jisoo: but Jisooyah, did cat get your tongue at that moment? (She said to herself recalling the past moment)

Flashback to Yoongi and Jisoo standing in the hall
Jisoo: it seems like u don't know, you don't make friends with money; you use your heart.
Yoongi: there's nothing money can't buy. Speak. Tell me if there's something it can't buy. Can there truly be something that money can't buy? If you have the courage, why don't you tell me, commoner.
Jisoo couldn't speak any further (she was embarrassed)

End of flashback
Jisoo was walking out of Yoongi's house when she suddenly realised something. She looked down at her feet and saw herself wearing those expensive heels from Yoongi. She sighed frustrated as she didn't want them.
Jisoo: ah! I'm so dumb! (She took off her heels and threw it over the fence of the Min Mansion's garden.

Suddenly she saw someone coming on an expensive bike and stopped in front of her.
When he took off the helmet, it was none other than Park Jimin. He stood in front of her.

Jimin: it's you again.
Jisoo just looked down

They went and sat on a bench in a nearby park.
Jisoo: are you going somewhere?
Jimin: home. You?
Jisoo: I'm going home too.
Jimin: (he looked at her bare feet) going like that?
Jisoo: some kind of problem came up.
Jimin smiled
Jisoo: what?!
Jimin: whenever I see you, you look so dramatic.
Jisoo: that's right, huh? By the way, can I ask you something?
He looked at her signaling to continue
Jisoo: is there something money can't buy? Something you can't buy no matter how much you're willing to spend. There couldn't be something like that, could there be?
Jimin: Air.
Jisoo: what? Oh. Air.
They both smiled.
Jisoo: you're right. Why didn't I think of that?
Jimin: you're a funny one, aren't you?
He opens his bag and gives a pair of shoes to Jisoo and goes away.
Jisoo smiles at his kindness.

At home Jisoo makes sure to clean the shoes squeaky clean and puts them in a nice bag to return it to Jimin.
At school she goes to the terrace where she usually sees him but he didn't show up so she went to F4's lounge. After a minute or so, Jungkook and Taehyung enter the lounge.

Tae: who's this? Aren't you Miss Wonder Girl who's the natural enemy of Min Yoongi?
JK: what brings you here? Yoongi isn't here right now.
Jisoo: who said I wanted to see that jerk?

She takes out Jimin's shoes from the bag.
JK: aren't those Jimin's shoes?
Jisoo nods: can you please give these to him?
Tae takes the bag from her. As she bows to them.
She was about to leave when...
Tae: wait...why don't you drink some tea before you go?
She agrees at the sit at the table with tea and snacks.
JK: did you really tell Yoongi like that?
She nods
Tae: woah! You're really something. No one has pissed him off like that before.
JK: oh! It's Rosé (sees her commercial on TV)
Jisoo looks at the screen
Tae: hmm..shouldn't she be coming back soon?
JK: Jimin must be so happy.
Jisoo: well...have you guys known each other for a long time?
JK: yeah, since kindergarten.
Jisoo: I see.
Tae: you...seem to be curious about something. Just ask. As long as we know the answer, we'll tell you in return.
Jisoo: in return?
Tae: we've been pretty entertained these days, thanks to you.
Jisoo: well...do Jimin Sunbae and Model Rosé know each other?
Both Tae & JK chuckle: know each other?
Tae: Jimin was in a traffic accident when he was 5 years old. His parents passed away at the scene and only he survived. After that, he started to display symptoms of autism and he didn't get along with anyone. The person who helped him out of this trauma was Park Chaeyoung (Rosé). For us she's like a big sister and a good friend. But for Jimin, she's his first love, his lover, his life. He loves her so much.
Jisoo was just processing everything.

Time skip at Jisoo's house.
Rosé's video was playing on the TV while Jisoo and her family were having dinner.

J/M: so pretty

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J/M: so pretty...how can she look like that? It must be so nice to give birth to a daughter like her. Even from a woman's perspective, she's so pretty and cool.
J/B: Park Chaeyoung. That woman is Park Chaeyoung, right?
Mother nods
J/M: God is so unfair...to give someone a face, a brain, and even a family...all to someone else. (Eyeing Jisoo who was frowning at this point)
Jisoo just kept her utensils down and walked away to her room.
J/B: her appetite is ruined.

To be continued....
Hey guys! Happy New Year! An update for y'all cause it's our Queen Jisoo's Birthday!!! Happy Birthday to her!!! I love her so much 🩷🩷🎂🎂🥰✨🎉🎊🫶🏻🫶🏻
Thank you so much for reading and please don't forget to vote! I love y'all ❤️🌸

Word count 1047 words

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