Part 56

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A/N - Sorry it's taken me ages to publish this, I've been working on my Shakespeare essay on Macbeth. And old English isn't the easiest to understand.

I honestly don't know why it's taken me this long to publish, I've had writers block cause my brains been full of Shakespeare and Macbeth.

But without Further ado here you go Part 56


Allison's POV

The hall got crowded very quickly, students from all years came and greeted the other students.

I stayed sat with Nova until the rest of the group came and sat with us, Mattheo was on one side of me and Nova was on the other.

Dumbledore walked in with the other head masters behind him, Madam Maxine caught a glimpse of me and smiled before smiling at her students which we seated on the bottom of Ravenclaws table.

Durmstrang was say at the bottom of our table, while Ilvermony sat at the bottom of Hufflepuffs table.

I look over at the Gryffindor table and see Ron looking upset while Hermione was staring - no drooling while staring at Petar, I mean he is hot... But I would never date him, he has a nice face but is really quite.

I look at Harry to see him staring at me, I meet his eyes and smile at him, he smiles back before putting his head down in embarrassment.

I laugh to myself before hearing what Dumbledore is saying "Good morning students, from the north to the south and even across to the other side of the world. Today and for the next month we are commencing the Quadri Quidditch Tournament"

Everyone in the hall starts clapping, Dumbledore then raises his hand "we also have 3 new students joining us, from the north we have Vasil and Aleksandar Lliev, then form the south we have Anelia Lliev" all 3 of them stand and walk over to the stool which I sat on a couple months ago.

Vasil goes first, he sits down on the stool before Mcgonagall places the old hat on his head "A former Durmstrang student I see, your brave, loyal, and have ambition. You could do amazing in all houses but it best be .... GRYFFINDOR"

As Vasil stands up the whole gryffindor table erupts into cheer, he looks confused on where to go until Mcgonagall points him at the table, he walks over and sits down at the edge next to the first year.

Next it's Aleksandar, he walks over to that hat which is brother was just say before gettihg the hat placed "another Lliev, hmmm... intelligence, wit, and ambitions. I know where to put you RAVENCLAW"

He smiles before standing up and walking over to the Ravenclaw table, all the girls start fan-girling at him as he smiles at them.

Finally it's Anelia's turn, she walks over and sits down "The final child I see, Cunning unlike your brothers, ambitious and loyal. Better be SLYTHEIRN"

As soon as the hat calls out I get up and clap for her, she sees me before walking over to me and sitting down between me and Nova.

Third Person POV

Dumbledore rose and got up before announcing the lunch meal shall commence.

The hall was filled with chatter, students from all schools talking to each-other, food from Bulgaria, France and America was brought out as well as food from the UK.

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