Pogtopia's walls were cold, Wilbur was colder.

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Pogtopia's walls were cold, Wilbur was colder.
Wilbur's thought's were so unreadable, Tommy couldn't even see his face, as he was letting his other half lay on the wall next to him, shivering.
"How can you leave him like that, he is your brother after all, and you forgive and you forget no matter what he does." Phil's words echoing in Tom's head.
Tom tried talking to him, Wilbur, his older brother, to no avail. He said nothing, just sitting up against the wall Tommy so hardly despised for being so cold.
Tom sighed, after the last attempt of trying to talk to his brother.
Tommy got up, and took the spare blanket he had.
He sew'd it with Tubbo when they still had L'manberg, had it all.
And gave it to Will, gently setting it on his back knowing he wouldn't move it away. That was his warmest blanket he carried with him, so, what Tommy had left was his other one. He truly didn't mind though, as he wanted his brother proud, he wanted him warm so he could feel okay.

The next morning, he noticed Wilbur wasn't there, Tommy panic's, knowing that Will can go manic when he has panic attacks and he didn't want to not be there to help him.
He calls for his name, and he looks around the cave, not until he goes to check outside does he see Wilbur.
But there he was, looking up, smoking.
Wilbur doesn't glance at him, while Tommy can't stop looking, relieved but so so worried.

Tommy stood next to him, awkwardly, not wanting to embarass him self.

After a few seconds of silance, Wilbur whispers :

"I'm sorry."

"it's okay." Tommy says.

"it's gonna be okay."

Wilbur put's his hand on Tommys head annoyingly.

"You're fuckin' sweeter than usual?" he said teasingly.

"Oh fuck you" Tommy said glaring at him.
but noticed Wilbur smiling, Tom couldn't tell if it was out of tease or proudness, but he didn't care that much, at least he was smiling right?

yeah, at least he was smiling.

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