06. just a kid

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"THE ENTIRE POINT of us fighting so hard when we were kids was to keep our kids from having to fight at all!", Scott growled out in his frustration. "So, what the fuck is this and how do we stop it?"

Stiles shifted uncomfortably in his seat, his eyes darting between the tense figures gathered in Scott's living room. The years had been kind to the McCall pack, but the shadows of the past never truly faded. They all bore the scars of battles fought in their youth, and now those battles seemed poised to erupt anew, threatening the next generation. Staying away from each other had done little to stop the danger, it seemed.

Lydia, ever composed, was the first to speak. "We knew this peace wouldn't last forever, Scott. There are forces out there that we can't control, and our children have inherited our legacy. They have power, and with power comes danger."

Scott's eyes blazed with a fierce protectiveness, fury tinged in his voice. "But they're just kids, Lydia. They shouldn't have to go through what we did. If anything happens to the kids, it means we failed. And we failed hard.

Malia, leaning against the wall with her arms crossed, interjected. "They're stronger than you think, Scott. Look, they should've been training, preparing. It's our fault that they weren't. That doesn't make them weak though. They want to fight for their future."

Scott's frustration simmered beneath the surface, his jaw clenched. "But they shouldn't have to," he repeated, his voice softer but no less determined. "We promised them a better life."

Derek, who had been silent until now, stepped forward. "Promises don't always hold against the reality of our world. You know that better than anyone, Scott. We can protect them, but we can't shelter them from everything. We should have never tried.  We should have done our best to educate them on things like this from the beginning."

Stiles nodded in agreement. "Derek's right. Our kids are smart, and they're ready to face whatever comes. We just need to guide them, help them understand what they're up against."

Scott ran a hand through his hair, his mind racing. "So what are we dealing with here? What new threat has emerged?"

Liam, standing near the doorway, spoke up. "We've been hearing rumors. Whispers of an ancient power, something that hasn't been seen for centuries. It's drawing attention, and not the good kind." He placed a large book in the center of the table. It was filled with journal entries, printed papers of research, and newspaper clippings about what they were dealing with.

Scott's gaze sharpened. Of course it was an ancient power. It was always an ancient fucking power. Why couldn't it be something small and annoying like a gremlin? He ran his hand down his face in annoyance. "Ancient power? What kind of power?"

Lydia's eyes glimmered with a hint of fear as she looked at the book Liam produced. "Something that could challenge even the strongest of us. We need to find out more before we can make a plan."

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