08. in memorium

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BRIGHTON'S BURIAL WAS beautiful, as sad as it was. She had had a beautiful funeral, and now they had returned her to the earth. The overcast sky cast a somber shadow over the cemetery as the McCall pack gathered to bid farewell to Brighton. The air was heavy with grief and the scent of damp earth. Rows of headstones stood as silent witnesses to the sorrow etched on every face. Scott had insisted on the outside service. It was what Brighton would have wanted.

Scott McCall stood at the forefront, his eyes red-rimmed, struggling to hold back tears. Beside him, Pilar clutched Cesar's hand, both triplets trembling with the weight of their sister's absence.

Jaime stood a few steps back, her usually confident demeanor shattered, eyes fixated on the coffin that held the love of his life. Her shoulders slumped, every breath a struggle against the overwhelming pain in her chest.

The minister began to speak, his words a gentle murmur against the rustling leaves. "We are gathered here today to celebrate the life of Brighton McCall, a bright soul taken from us too soon. She was a beloved daughter, sister, and friend. Her light touched us all, and though she is gone, her memory will live on in our hearts."

Scott stepped forward, clearing his throat as he prepared to speak. "Brighton was... she was everything. Brave, strong, and always ready to help anyone in need. She had a laugh that could light up a room and a spirit that couldn't be broken. She was my daughter, my beautiful girl, and I will miss her every day."

He paused, his voice breaking, and Pilar squeezed Cesar's hand tighter. Cesar's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he looked at his father, feeling the raw pain in his voice. To lose a daughter must hurt more than anything else.

Jaime took a deep breath, stepping forward next. Her voice was soft, almost a whisper. "Brighton was my world. She showed me what it meant to love and be loved. She had this way of making everything seem possible, even when it wasn't. I'll carry her with me, always."

Tears fell freely now, both hers and those of the pack. The loss of Brighton had left a gaping hole in their hearts, a void that could never be filled.

Pilar stood at the front of the gathered crowd, her heart pounding in her chest. The weight of the moment pressed down on her, but she knew she had to speak. Her father had asked her to. She would do anything for him. Her hands trembled as she clutched the edges of the podium, her eyes fixed on the coffin that held her sister. She took a deep breath, feeling the support of Cesar's hand on her shoulder, and began to speak.

"I never thought I'd be standing here, speaking at Brighton's funeral," Pilar began, her voice wavering. "She was my sister, my triplet, and even though we didn't always see eye to eye, I loved her with all my heart." Pilar paused, looking out at the faces of friends and family, their expressions mirroring the pain she felt inside. She saw her father, Scott, his eyes filled with grief, and Jaime, whose heart seemed as shattered as her own. "Brighton and I... we had a complicated relationship," Pilar continued, her voice steadier now. "She blamed me for our mother's death, and I could never find the right words to make her see that I was hurting too. I wanted to be close to her, to be the sister she deserved, but it always felt like there was a wall between us." Tears welled up in Pilar's eyes, but she pressed on. "Despite everything, I admired her. Brighton was so strong, so fiercely independent. She had a light in her that could outshine the darkest of days. She was passionate and determined, never backing down from a challenge."

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