Falling Apart

503 13 85

TW: Self-hatred.

Grian's POV

It was just another normal day in Hermitville. I was walking the streets of the town, heading for the store when....


I stumbled backwards from the impact of the other person running into me. "You should watch where you're goi-"

I cut myself off as I realized who it was, and from the fact that the man was still clinging onto me. My eyes widened in surprise and excitement.

"Mumbo!" I happily chirped. Mumbo had been on a trip away for a month, and even though we kept in touch over the phone, nothing was quite as good as seeing the moustached man in person.

"G! Hey!" Mumbo still clung to my waist tightly.

"You can let go of me now, mate," I chuckled, messing up the taller man's hair as a way to say hello.

"Oh, right," Mumbo let go of me, standing up straight and clearing his throat as he dusted off his clothes with his hands. He looked down at me sheepishly. "Still as short as ever, huh?"

"I'm not that short!" I raised an eyebrow, going along with the joke.

"Uh huh, well hold on, let me just," He crouched down to my height. "Yeah okay, you're not that short... anymore."

I scoff at him, shaking my head as I hold back my laughter. He stood back up, laughing.

"Hey, Mumbo?" He looked down at me, humming in acknowledgement. "Why did you go away this time again? Why were you gone so long?"

He shook his head. "Ah- no reason."

I could tell he was lying to me. "Come on, you can tell me whatever it is," I fake pouted. "Am I not your best friend?"

"Please G, drop this, okay?" Mumbo took a deep breath, tears welling up in his eyes.

"Mumbo, you can tell me!" I persisted, not taking his pleading seriously, thinking it was just a joke, not really thinking before I spoke, acting on my impulse.

"Grian, stop it!" Mumbo burst out.

I stood there in shock for a minute, realizing that I had messed up. Badly. "Mumbo- I'm... I'm sorry."

"I-It's whatever Grian. Just leave me alone for a while, okay?" He breathed out deeply, not looking me in the eyes before turning to leave.

"Mumbo," I muttered. I kicked up the dirt in front of me as he walked away.

"Why did I do that?" I muttered to myself almost silently, slowly walking across the street.

Wait, what was that?

I stop in the middle of the street, looking at the figure I thought I saw moving. It was nothing but a shadow, but they looked... vaguely familiar as they walked by, like I knew them from somewhere. I couldn't quite put my finger on it....

I snapped back to reality as a car gently bumped into me, just barely stepping on the breaks in time to avoid hitting me too hard. I awkwardly finished crossing the street, the woman driving the car flipping me off, anger etched into her face.

Geeze, okay lady.

I continued my somber walk home, ignoring my friends as they waved to me, calling me over to them, knowing that perhaps that would be worrying to them.

as the world caves in - grian angst (scarian)Where stories live. Discover now