Unexpected Intrusion

389 19 20

TWs: Self hatred, graphic depictions of sickness, suicidal ideation, small mention of self harm.

Grian's POV

I wake up in my bed, still feeling like absolute shit. My head is pounding, my stomach is churning, I can't really breathe because my nose is so stuffed up and the nausea is still bubbling up my throat, the stomach acid burning it and, on top of all that, it feels like I didn't slept a wink last night. I groan as I place an arm on my head, trying to ignore the feeling of puke from the previous night being crusted onto my skin and clothes, just wanting to relax for a minute and not think about how disgusting I feel - but it's too late for that now, I'm already thinking about it. A shiver runs up my spine and I shift uncomfortably, trying to get into a position where I don't feel the old puke rubbing up against my skin to no avail, so I settle into the position where I feel it the least.

As I get settled in, I dare to take a glance at my phone, reaching over to the device and lifting it up so that I can see the screen before pressing the button on the side, wincing at the bright light and squinting to read the time.

11:54 am.

Geeze, I really did sleep late, huh? But I suppose that might be because I didn't really sleep well last night...

I place my phone back down and relax back into my bed, closing my eyes again. The lull of sleep drags me back into its clutches and I don't fight it as I drift off again.

Scar's POV

I tap my foot as I sit at my desk, particularly restless today. Sure, I was always restless, but today I seem to be even more restless than usual and I think I know why - Grian. I haven't seen him today and, after seeing the state he was in yesterday and the fainting incident he had two days ago, I'm worried about him.

Did something happen to him? Is he hurt? Did he just stay home sick?

My thoughts race through my head as if they were competing in the Indianapolis 500, fighting to be at the front of my mind, to be the center of attention. I sigh and stare blankly at an empty page of my sketchbook, which was primed for a new landscaping piece to be sketched onto it. My mind continues to race, but one thought in particular sticks out among the others - well, maybe it's more of an idea than a thought, but whatever.

What if I just go to his apartment?

Surely he wouldn't mind, maybe he would even enjoy or appreciate the company, if he was sick or something. And plus it would also soothe my mind if I saw him, making me know for a fact that he was at least alive.

Of course he's alive, but I know to soothe my raging thoughts I need to see Grian in person myself.

I sigh and shake my head, trying to focus on my work again to no avail.

Grian's POV

I wake up again, covering my eyes with an arm that I quickly put over my face, blocking out the little spots of sunlight that shines down through my curtains and onto my floor and bed. I turn onto my side, still covering my face diligently, before I realize that I had been forgetting something very important about today.

I have work.

I'm not at work.

I haven't even called in yet.

I groan and internally slap my face, too tired to bother actually following through with the action physically. I turn onto my other side, my guts churning unhappily at the quick movement, my throat burning with bile, but I decide to ignore it for the time being, focusing on the task at hand. I finally move my arm from my face and squint as I reach over to my nightstand, quickly locating my phone even with my blurry eyesight. I grab it and bring it closer to my face, squinting uncomfortably at the light of the screen that was painfully bright since I had just waken up.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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