Camping (ZoSan)

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Sanji handed Zoro the ice popsicle he was holding while waiting for the man inside their tent. They have managed to get on top of the mountain before sunset and now Zoro has finally finished setting up the fire.

They agreed to go camping after their long shooting. They have just finished Whole Cake Island and they are set to shoot Wano next next month. And so the couple have decided to spend some quality time together, and camping was the first on their itinerary.

"You really did managed to sneak this thing up here, huh?" The marimo asked while popping the popsicle open.

They have argued earlier whether Sanji should bring frozen things on the way as it will eventually melt, and they made a bet with their money on the line.

"Just pay up, moss head."

"No. I was the one that carried the cooler up here, I earned my merit, swirlybrow."

"But I won the bet—augh! Whatever. I'm gonna make us some dinner."

The blond gave up the argument. It's not that he won't won the rebut, it's just...he was really damn tired with arguing. From the set till they have their break, they always bicker. Even though they clearly have expressed their feelings towards each other and became a couple afterwards.

Sanji went out the tent and grab the things they brought up the mountain to cook their dinner. No matter how the shitty mosshead argued with him earlier, that they can just bring canned goods with them, he just doesn't want someone to eat cold food. As a chef, it is his duty to fill the stomach with warm foods. And he's just sensitive when it comes to the topic of food. No one really wins over him when it comes to foods.

And since they became couple, Sanji has this annoying self entitlement that he should feed the marimo top notch food. Like he was trying to impress the stupid mossy to the core, or was it spoil? Well, he likes it anyways. And the marimo eventually eats anything he serve the man, as long as it's edible.

Sanji finds the camp set up rather romantic. Zoro put up warm lights on the tree around them. And two chairs in front of the fire. They are setting on top of a cliff which shows a perfect scenery of the city down below. The light of the moon illuminates the darkness of the woods.

"You like it, cook?" Sanji flinched when he heard Zoro's voice, asking from the tent's entrance. From the sound of it, Zoro must have been looking at him since he walk out the damn tent.

Sanji's ears heated up. Well, he remember telling Zoro about his ideal camping scenery. And he didn't know Zoro could be so romantic to make this out for him.

"Well, I didn't dislike it."

"Aw, come on. It's just the two of us. No need to be shy."

Zoro's voice was getting nearer, looks like he was walking towards where Sanji is. And so the blond quickly turned around to give Zoro a quick kiss of appreciation.

"Thanks, marimo."

"I did not made this for a peak, swirly. Give me a proper reward—" Sanji cut him off by another swift kiss on the lips. Zoro's face is now forming an annoyed one.

"Well, if you can actually wait I can give you free service inside the tent. That is...if you can actually wait, Marimo."

"Hey! I've been waiti—"

"Dinner's ready."

After dinner Sanji grabbed two cans of beer from the cooler. He threw it to the upset Zoro that was sitting on the entrance of the tent. Zoro gave him an unamused look but accepted the offer anyway.

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