His Lame Pick-Up Lines (TsukiYama)

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Nothing beats a cold ice cream in this hot weather, especially after practice.

Yamaguchi and Tsukishima are walking to their way home, eating an ice cream in a popsicle stick. Silence overflowing them and Yamaguchi's itching to open a conversation but knowing Tsukishima, he knows that it's better to shut his mouth up and finish his ice cream.

He thought that was it when suddenly Tsukishima opened a conversation he didn't expect they'll have. Not even in his wildest imagination.

"Hey, do you think you can talk with your mouth close?"

Yamaguchi, in the moment of licking his ice cream, look up to his friend, "I don't think so..."

"But you can hum it, right?"

Yamaguchi thought about it for exactly a minute before answering and he's still not sure if he should be answering the question, however it's Tsukki so there would be no harm in answering back.

"Y-Yeah, some of them..."

"Especially the vowel letters," Tsukishima said as if saying it to himself.

They found their usual spot in the park. A bench under the shade of a tree. No one was walking around, only them. This direction only have a few people passing by, especially at night. This makes a perfect place to spend time with someone.

Yamaguchi did not bother answering back. And just took his seat behind the tall blond.


"Hm?" Yamaguchi hummed back when he got called again.

Tsukishima's looking at him, turning his body to properly look at him. It almost made Yamaguchi blush, and he didn't know for what reason!

"Bite your lower lip and pronounce"O"." A very serious command he got.

Distancing his ice cream from his mouth, Yamaguchi swallowed and clear his throat twice.

Okay, here it goes.

He gently bite on his lower lip and loudly pronounce the letter O, which to his embarrassment sounded like a moan.

His eyes widened and his face is now comparable to a ripe tomato. Even his ears are red from the realization. He shifted his body to the other side and anxiously bit his ice cream, earning an amuse chuckle from the blond.

"You're gullible." Tsukishima commented as he chuckles.

"I-It's your fault! You w-were seriously asking me to pronounce that letter while biting my lower lip! How can you do that to me, Tsukki!" Yamaguchi burst out, finally facing his friend even though his face is still as red as Snow White's lips.

"You're so loud."


Tsukishima turn back to properly sit and just finish his ice cream quick. He was secretly smirking at how...well, cute, Yamaguchi was. The embarrass face he makes are making him do things that would make the brunette always blush.

THE NEXT day, Yamaguchi couldn't come to practice. Unfortunately he caught a cold. But Tsukishima knows better, the brunette must have been so down he couldn't bring himself to face the team, couldn't accept the fact that he's getting behind by everyone else.

To prove the blond right, Yamaguchi was indeed feeling down from being the only one that couldn't do anything better for the team. Though he actually caught a cold from thinking all night, the embarrassment from yesterday did not even help.

It's already 5 in the afternoon and he sure as hell that the practice is over. He just spent the whole day rotting on his bed, overthinking things...thinking about some sort of feelings.

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