Hokage Moves (NaruSasu)

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Sasuke sighed when his name echoed through the place. Naruto was looking for him using a megaphone, standing on top of a goddamn van, shouting his name like a crazy person.

All crew on the set covered their ears from that screeching noise, even the director...who lost consciousness from the loud scream being directed to his position. And the medic was currently attending to the unconscious director.


Naruto exclaimed. Sasuke look at the direction of the moron and saw that he was being silent by Sakura, whose face is like an angry cat.

She was heaving when she shouted at the poor guy, "Aren't you going to fucking shut up, Naruto?! Grrr!"

"S-Sorry..." Naruto apologizes while feeling the bump on his head from that strong punch he got from Sakura.

"Thank goodness someone finally made that fool shut up, tsk! He has been calling out for you, Sasuke. Why are you hiding away from him?" Kiba asked while feeding his dog beside him.

They're at the back of the food truck and eating dango. This area was being hidden from the crowd, so Sasuke find this place a perfect spot to hide from the usoratonkachi.

"Tsk! That idiot was being weird again." He answered, half annoyed.

"Why? What happened?" Ino asked, suddenly appearing from behind. Her eyebrow raised and using the dango stick as toothpick. "Spill the tea."

She was excited, okay!

Before this whole thing happened, let's go back to the following days Naruto was being weird, as Sasuke calls it.




Sasuke woke up by the sound of the doorbell. He groan on his bed as whoever that person outside doesn't want to leave him alone, no matter how many minutes he have been ignoring the person outside.


"ARGH! Who ever the fuck's trying to ruin the night, I swear to God I'll be killing y-" he was cut off his rant when he saw who his unexpected visitor is. "Naruto?"

It wasn't the presence of the asshole that made him stop finishing his words, but from Naruto's appearance. Naruto was wearing a cap, a sando shirt and a stupid looking boxers short. Standing in front of his house like a fucking pervert!

The asshole have an image to take care of because of the series they are being starred with, so seeing him like this might ruin that image and probably a big scope to the media.

"Get inside, idiot!"

He opened the door, wide enough for Naruto but the idiot didn't even move. Naruto's head remains down and unmoving.

"Oy! You going inside or no-"

"-ke..." Was Naruto's silent call.



"Oh?!" He asked, starting to get annoyed. Was the bastard only here to annoy the fuck out of his night? Because if that is so, he's not fucking happy with it.

"Help me."

It wasn't what he was expecting for Naruto to say, and he wasn't also expecting the shaking of the stupid's voice when he said that. The bastard had his face down, making it hard for Sasuke to look and see what's Naruto's expression right now. He sighed.

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