The Swordman and the Cook(ZoSan)

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"Chop! Chop! I want every meal to be perfect! Not even a single thing be-Little pumpkin, what the hell is this ice cube shape steak? Who you serving food for?! A rat?! I don't serve small amount of foods to my customers and I thought you know about that better than anyone in here!"

Sanji left the onions he was chopping and went to the old geezer who, at the start of the morning, was being a loud trap.

The old geezer is stressed as the Baratie was swarming with hungry unmannered, drunk, ugly, and smelly pirates. Of course, the ladies are not included on that list of description. Sanji's a gentleman. Not towards any men or even this old geezer in front of him, that he is now battling a bloody staring competition, he will kneel before them.

"Who you glaring at, scrawny kid! I said work!"

"I'm glaring at you, old fucking geezer! No one dares critic my food! And if you could just take a taste of that steak it would change your mind and maybe put it on your main dishes and-"

"And let those stupid high class gibs have the luxury to waste that fuckin' masterpiece?" Zeff cut off his sentence and face too close to him that he could smell the old trap's geezer mouth. While he's bending back to avoid any more saliva showering his face. "Would you like that, huh?!"

"Tsk! Be glad you put praises to my food or I'll really put Patty's pubic hair in that curry you're making!"

He answered the older chef and stepped back to stand properly. He fished a cigarette on her pocket and was attempting to light it when Zeff took it off his mouth.

"What did I say about smoking in my kitchen, you little headache! Make you own kitchen to smoke!"

"Give that back, old geezer!"

"Get out of my kitchen if you want to smoke!" Zeff threw his cigar on the trash bin nearby and proceeded back to his work, which is more words spouting than actually cooking.

Sanji murmured a disgruntled words and went outside the kitchen to the back for a smoke. And also to calm himself while watching the sea. He finds solitude when facing the serenity of the ocean, from its crystalizing water from the sun to the gentle breeze of the wind touching his face, there's just that feeling whenever he's at the sea. He wonders what he'll feel when he finds the All Blue. He imagines himself all smiling and laughing with the treasure he was looking for since kid but he wonders if he would be able to find it if he stays at this shitty restaurant.

He loves working at the Baratie, he really do, but there was this feeling of a missing piece inside his chest whenever he thinks about the All Blue.

Sanji was in deep thoughts, he didn't even notice the heavy boots getting close. He only notice the presence of the person when he heard the clanking of metal things and a soft thud behind him.

He saw a man, a green haired man, with three sheathed swords on his waist, sitting behind the wall and his head was resting on his palms with his eyes looking at him. Sanji concocted his visible swirly eyebrow when their eyes meet.

"Unauthorized personnel are not allowed in this area. What does a moss doing here? You lost?" He asked with a tone which the green hair didn't like, from the reaction of his face.

"Why do, a swirly brow like you, care?" The swordsman snuggly answered, smirking when Sanji's face lit up a shade of angry red.

"Idiot mosshead!"

"Cut the act, Swirlybrow, we ain't at the roll anymore," Zoro countered, annoyed. His eyebrows meeting like the normal banter of name calling really got on his nerves.

Sanji sighed and look at the busy crowd of people that are going around and 'round. They're at the set, to film the world's greatest show ever...One Piece. It's not that Sanji's still acting with his role, he just didn't heard the director's 'cut' line. He was engrossed by the scenery. They are taping at the actual sea today, no green screen, actual sea.

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