Accident (Bakugou x Midoriya)

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Bakugou was angry, really, really, really angry. It didn't take time for Midoriya to understand the situation. His Kacchan is pissed.

Todoroki who saw the whole thing eyed the two. He knows when Bakugou was really angry and was not. He saw how the pushed Midoriya who wants to explain the whole thing, but Bakugou's mind was shutting out any possible reasons. It made him shake his head from clear disappointment. He knows the two are dating, yet Bakugou acts as if Midoriya's just another person to interact with.


"Shut up, Nerd!"

Todoroki had enough and he threw the script book towards Bakugou's direction, hitting the absolute jerk on the head, earning a satisfied smirk on Todoroki's face. Bakugou went looking for the culprit, who dares to mess with him when he's literally on the most baddest mood.

When he's eyes landed on Todoroki and saw him still harboring this smirk, his aura became full with range and charge towards Todoroki. Todoroki wasn't hiding the fact that he did it, he's far more amused by it.

"You goddamn icy prick!!!" Bakugou shouted, holding on to Todoroki's collar, eyes full of range. Midoriya stopped the two, well, mostly Bakugou.

"Kacchan, stop it."

"Stop holding me, Nerd, or I'll butch this goddamn ice prick's head to death!!!" Bakugou screamed at the guy behind him and look at his foe back. "WHY'D YOU DO THAT FOR, HUH?!?!"

Bakugou's fist are suspended in the air, ready to beat the crap out of the bastard that hit his head. Todoroki's face was back to its original poker face now, which annoyed the already angry blonde more.

"What're you three doing?" A cold-uninterested voice can be heard in the room full with Bakugou's shouting and Midoriya's whimpering.

The three turned their head to look at the newcomer or comers at that, when Midoriya's eyes went large, Todoroki lost all life in his being, and Bakugou's gritting teeth greeted the four people that entered the room.

Todoroki took his collar from Bakugou's grip and sat back down. Bakugou was scoffing when he took his seat opposite the seat of Todoroki while Midoriya was left there, standing like a freaking nerd he was.

"Take your seat, Midoriya." Aizawa commanded.

It made Midoriya flinch and took his seat next to Todoroki, which earned another scoff from Bakugou and a silent whisper of, "Nerd." Escape the guy's mouth. Midoriya didn't pay attention to it though, he was focus on the four presence in front of this seemingly small room now.

They weren't suppose to be in this kind of situation. It was everybody's fault when they got thrown inside this make-up room. Bakugou was angry earlier when a certain nerd took a decision without asking for his opinion. It ticked him to the core and just got angrily charging to the poor nerd. And it got even worst when Midoriya retaliated back, accidentally shouted back at his Kacchan. It angered the blonde more and so he acted such a jerk and told Midoriya some painful words that Todoroki wished he didn't heard, or even witnessed the goddamn quarrelling.

They got sent inside this room by the furious director, as the three was clearly out of the script that time—they were actually on the roll.

"I hope you've reflected on your actions earlier, you three." All Might started.

Todoroki was sulking at the number one hero, he didn't know what his fault could be that he got dragged on to this mess. Unfortunately for him, the man he wanted to last see in the situation is inside the room, staring—glaring at him.

"This is the first time I have to come and fetch you inside this room, Shotou." His father's voice can be trace of disappointment.

Todoroki averted his gaze to the wall near him. What are the odds that his father will also be cast as his annoying father in this series.

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