Sulking Mosshead (ZoSan)

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If we're basing it in front of the camera, Zoro's character was like any other characters that easily drag women's interest by just their mere presence. But if you're basing it in reality, outside the lenses, you'll be laughing at how sulky this goddamn mossy get.

Zoro was actually a sulky brat, he couldn't stand having no attentions to himself. Especially my attention.

Just like now. While I am cooking for the crew here at the set, the mosshead was seated on the stool at the island counter. His head is place on the counter and simultaneously tapping the counter with his fingers.

Even if I don't look at him, I know the idiot is pouting. I didn't heed him any attention since I arrived at the set, I was enjoying his reaction, alright! Well, it's his fault for acting such an asshole earlier. When I arrived at the set and entered the sunny, he startled me with a cymbals. My first thought was the kick him head straight but Nami and Robin was in with the plan so I just laugh it off, making him think that what he did didn't got on my nerve.

I'll lose some handsome points if I let my irritation out in front of my beautiful ladies, so in the end Zoro got all of it. My silent treatment. 

Well, my irritation lasted only for a while. Right now, I am doing this for the sole purpose of entertainment. His face shows how obvious he was sulking, it's very funny!

"Sanjiiiiiii, foooddddddd!!!!" Luffy entered the kitchen, rubbing his tummy and winning against Zoro in pouting competition.

I took my cigarette down before turning my head to the captain, "If you don't disturb me, I'll finish this in a minute."

Our Captain's eyes started to sparkle and his pout got replaced by a wide grin, his signature smile.

"Got it!!!! Oyyy, Zoro, don't argue with Sanji so that I can eat early! Captain's order!"

Zoro's brows narrowed from the order. He's looking at me so I shifted my gaze back to what I'm cooking.

"Tsk! He doesn't even talk to me..." I heard him whispered and the opening and closing of the kitchen door.

After that was the deafening silence inside the kitchen. Only my own movements can be heard.  And I didn't want to admit it but I kinda prefer having that marimo tapping his fingers on the counter than this deafening silence atmosphere.

It made me sigh before throwing my cigar away.

"When will I get your attention, cook? It's been a whole day already."

I jumped from the voice that suddenly talk behind me. He didn't left? The marimo didn't actually left?

With haste, I turned around just to regret my sudden action. His face is just an inch away from me. It took me by surprise and so I mistakenly took a step back and lost my balance, but because I'm infront of the stove, my hand suffered the consequence. My precious hand landed on the heated pan.

"Awww!!! Fuck! Goddamn it!!!" Holding the hand the got injured, I ran to the sink and turned the faucet on.

I heard the click from the stove, Zoro turned it off and walk towards me. "Are you okay?" He asked, concerned, eyeing my injured hand intently.

"Why did you suddenly appeared—augh! If my attention's all you want just fucking wait! Damn it!"

It's my hand that suffered the stupid sudden action. Not the hands of a person that feeds their nakama. Not my hand!

"I know...and I'm sorry. Let's go to Chopper so that he can check that." The marimo's voice was calm and...can be trace of guilt.

Turning off the faucet and grabbing the clean towel in the cabin, I glared at him. "Just leave me alone, Zoro."

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