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Siyanshi was seated besides her co-wives during the rajsuya yagna; the putrika of Manipur; Chitrangada, Naga-Rajkumari Uloopi and her sakhi and Yadav princess; Subhadra watching the yagna from their place since due to her pregnancy she isn't present in the yagna so she chose to stay with her co-wives.

"And this child didn't let me sleep for countless nights. He still doesn't at times since he is always 'Mata, this and mata that'. He is just finding excuses to avoid going to bed." Chitrangada said to her co-wives as they watched their children mingle around with each other. "Iravan is the same. Always finding excuses to delay his bedtime claiming not to be tired but once his head hits the pillow he is gone till the next morning." Uloopi said as her co-wives laughed.

"Tell me priya bhagini. Do you wish for a daughter or a son?" Chitrangada turned her question to Siyanshi. "Hmm?.... I haven't given much thought to it." Siyanshi answered. "I personally want a daughter from you with all your qualities." Uloopi said.

"Why jiji? Do you have something against arya that you want none of his qualities in Siya's daughter?" Subhadra teased. "I have nothing against arya but I already have his spitting image back home causing trouble here and there for me. Now I just want a little girl to come to me calling me 'mata Uloopi' who can soothe me with her being herself whenever she visits me." Uloopi said. 

"Why mata? Do you not like me?" Iravan suddenly popped out of nowhere. "I will be staying here with my other matas then." he suddenly declared. "Sure, sure. That's exactly what I want. You stay here with your pitashree while I take your mata Siyanshi's daughter in exchange and go live peacefully." Uloopi said and the face that was made by Iravan following her words was a sight to see resulting the three other wives to laugh.

"A daughter does sound lovely." Siyanshi said. "I know right!!" Uloopi exclaimed in joy as Iravan stood besides her with puffed face still not over his mother's words from a minute ago making the ladies laugh once again.

"What are you doing here puffing your face like a frog? Go play with your brother and cousins." Uloopi said and Iravan did just that and went to play.




After the yagna was over and back in the sabha of Indraprasth as Yudhisthir chose Dwarkadeesh Krishna as the person to be sammanit. Everybody was happy with the decision including Pitamah Bhism. Siyanshi was practically beaming with a smile on her face as she stood where she was supposed to be; besides Arjun on his left as the samman samaro began. But just then a commotion started which apparently had a name called Sisupal.

"Stop Samrat!" Sisupal; the King of Chedi and the father of Karenumati said gaining all the attention. "Our emperor being under the authority of a coward, cunning and a foolish person is something we can't accept!" Sisupal said. "What do you mean chedi Naresh?" Arjun asked intervening.

"May I ask the reason of why Dwarkadeesh is being sammanit?" sisupal asked. "He has a major contribution in Indraprasth chedi Naresh." Yudhistir replied. "Is that really the reason? I highly doubt so." sisupal said. "What other reasons are there chedi Naresh?" Yudhistir asked.

"Samrat you must know what kind of person dwarkadeesh is." sisupal said. "What do you mean by that Chedi Naresh?" Shahadev asked. "Mayavi! Dusht! Thief! womanizer!" Sisupal spat the words with full venom. "Chedi Naresh! Watch your mouth!" Arjun said as his Madhav's insult was something he couldn't even dare to listen.

"You don't speak in the middle arjun. The one who got the skill of archery after sacrificing a great archer Eklavya's thumb." sisupal said and Arjun stood quiet with his fist in a clench unable to say anything. Siyanshi had heard the story of Eklavya's thumb and felt sorry for her husband who stood there quietly with no words, just quietly in anger.

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