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The four of us turned stiff when Mills introduced the FDI guy to us. Turns out,  Mills suspected that this has something to do with drug trafficking and terrorism. Surely, it's the FDIs area of expertise. The FDI are keeping an eye on Sam. She's been under observation since she was preparing for her second year in college. She has connections with people that are under observation too.

Now we are left surprised in front of a chronic agent who doesn’t know how to smile and greet. Well, who else would greet us when we are too busy processing things yet to greet a new member? I don’t know, maybe I do. 

We’re sent back to work after the introductions and such. Everyone is busy doing something to come over for chit- chats or maybe everyone doesn’t want to talk to anyone after the shocking moments. So the newbie sits beside me, well he’s table is beside mine so I guess we don’t have a choice anymore. I’m tapping my fingers on my table as I fidget my hair with my other hand. I don’t know what to do after finishing everything earlier. Then, my eyes linger on the newbie. He seems well. Good-looking face, clean haircut, black jacket, white shirt, faded jeans, and brown boots, he looks normal; a typical FDI agent, I would say. His eyes fixed on the computer and long fingers fast typing on the keyboard like there’s no tomorrow. He tilts his head every now and then, taps his fingers, runs his fingers on his hair, and….. he looks at me.

I almost fell on my chair as I jumped from his appalled gesture. His eyes are deep green; very beautiful if you stare at it, but it was almost impossible to fix a stare on him with his glare on me. I looked away, pretending to be busy with my blank word document. He didn’t stop staring for a while, and when he did, I let go a sigh of relief. Out of nowhere, a face suddenly pops in front of me. I jumped; hands on my chest and head. My eyes are wide like my pupils are willing to come out and my hair stands all over my body. This is why I hate getting surprised. The head in front tilted in confusion, but clearly he’s struggling on keeping his laugh inside. He looks ridiculously annoying with his blanked face. I fixed myself as I cleared my throat. My eyes linger in my surroundings in case someone sees me except for him. In my head, I was swearing at him, hoping he’ll die on his way home or what. I look straight in his eyes and sit in my chair with a serious expression. 

“Anything I can do for you?” I asked.

He leaned over to show me a file that he just printed. As I slipped my hand at the back of the paper, I accidentally touched his finger. It was ridiculous how cold his finger was. I’m sure the air conditioner is at normal temperature to balance the coldness and hotness in the room, but why is he freezing? 

“Nothing really, I just want to ask you about this,” he points to the blank space in the statement report given by the victim’s family. “Why is there a blank in there?” he asked as he turned his attention to me.

I raised my head a bit, moving it slowly to look on the other side but when I successfully did so, Phoebe was nowhere to be found. “Well, I don’t know. I just got back from my vacation leave and…” I end the statement with my shoulders raised.

His ID hung in front of me as he stood. From there, I got to see his name. Agent Liam Clarkson, it says. His blanked face in the upper center like the world has been on his shoulder since he was born. Can this man smile? It would be hell a miracle. He goes back to his seat while reading the papers in his hands. Do FDI agents work this way? Since he came this noon, he never stops working. He stands again and walks through the room, from the printer to his table. He types on his computer then stands again and walks towards…me.

“We just got in here and we’re both newbie in this case-”

Before he finishes what he’s about to say, Mills calls on us to come over in his office. Damn that guy, I thought. I stand from my seat and walk through the hallway with Liam by my side. He still has the papers in his hand and he damn looks so hot with his unbuttoned shirt. We reached the office and he offered the seat to me. I wasn’t really expecting it but I was a bit surprised with the gesture. He just pulled the seat and asked me to sit before he fixed his attention on Mills. 

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