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The busy street indeed helps me think and forget. Since I started working with different people at work, I never felt as anxious as today with my partner. Liam is basically not my partner, at least, for now but not forever. After solving the case, he'll go back to where he came from, away from me or anyone I'm close to. Also, the world is big for us to meet again. After he'll leave, I can go back to my usual self and usual behavior. I just can't understand why I feel so bothered by what happened in the resto. Since Phoebe keeps teasing me with him, maybe I made myself believe also that he's really different from those bastards I met before. I must be hurt because he failed me; he failed my expectations of him. It could be, it's the only explanation and the reasonable one because clearly I can't say I'm in love with the man. I never know him that well to say I'm into him and I'm pretty sure I don't fall that easily, at least it's what I believe. Whatever it is, I just hope he never follows me. All I need today is time to be alone, to think straightly and to act professional so that when we meet or talk again, I can finally control my emotions.

Tucking my phone in my pocket, I realized I left my ID and badge at his car. Realizing my clumsiness, I shut my eyes as I bite my lips. How can I be so forgetful of my things? Jesus Christ Taylor, I shout at myself inside my head. Now I need to think again how I can get my things again without feeling awkward around him. I still don't want to see him and I'm still not ready to act as if I'm all cool and fine, it'll make me look stupid. I can't fool myself around him, how can I?

Suddenly, a grip pulled me, causing me to take a step back. At first I thought it was Liam, well, lame of me if I continue thinking he did follow me but when I turned around, it was a stranger talking nonsense at me. For a moment, I lost track of what he was saying. My head is too clouded with Liam and work that it's hard to make out things anymore. I cleared my head as I tried to get my arm from him.

"I'm okay, thank you." I said to him as he continued pushing himself on me. Turns out, he thinks I need someone to keep me safe. He keeps saying that it was dangerous to be alone in the street, as if I don't know it. He keeps forcing me to let him take me home. He said he's a nice company and won't ask for anything else. If only I can say I'm an CDA agent, but how can I prove it when I don't have my ID and badge? Goodness Taylor!

It takes us another minute again, convincing each other what we think. I told him I can take care of myself but he refused to believe me. Well, who would thought a small lady like me can fucking kick an ass? No one, I bet.

"Please, I'm really okay," I replied again.

At the back of my head, I'm tempted to show him what an agent can do to people who don't listen. Mills used to tell me that people who underestimate us should be taught a lesson, and god knows how I want to perform a backflip. Out of nowhere, I was pulled back with a strong hand. In the second, I found myself at the back of a man I wished I could kill at this instance.

"Stay back, will you?" he said with gritted teeth.

From my perspective, it's hard to make out if he's pretending or purely concerned.

The stranger knit his brow in confusion, "who the fuck are you?" he asked.

What the hell is happening here? Is he my guardian angel to protect me? Well, he should just fuck himself because I never need one ever in my life, especially someone like him.

"She's my girl so stay back," Liam replied with a growl at the back of his voice. He's clearly annoyed and for a moment, I enjoyed it.

It's time to cut the show. I pulled myself from him and walked like nothing happened. When I passed the stranger, I gave him my calling card. "I would love to take your offer the next time we meet," I said with a smile on my face.

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