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One of my hobbies is staring into thin air, thinking nothing. Now here I am, sitting on the ground while staring into the distance, letting the wind blow my hair while humming in my ears. There are times I'm just too tired thinking and moving. Sitting and not doing anything is the best option for me when memories hit me so hard in the face. 

I may stay there for more hours if my phone didn't buzz in my pocket. Without looking at the caller's name, I tap the green button and put it right on my ear. "What?" I answered, thinking it's no one but my team or Liam. 

"Ms. Crofts! What a wonderful day to hear your voice." 

It's a man. A stranger who knows my number. His voice sounds really worn out like he's been eating metal for days. It's so damaged that I almost thought I'm haunted. 

"Who are you?" I answered, calm and soft. 

"It's me! The guy you've been looking for quite a while now. I actually thought I'd get to see you earlier but it took you a while to come over," he answered.

One person came to mind when I heard his answer. I stagger getting up, facing the city while scanning the other buildings. Is he looking at me right now? 

"You're Sam's killer."

He laughed. "I know you're smart, Ms. Crofts. It didn't take you long to figure it out. I'm sure your family is proud of you."

No sign of him everywhere. "How did you get my number? Who gave you my number, you piece of shit?" I gritted my teeth. 

"Er, are you mad? Please don't be. I don't want you to be mad. Well, I got it from my acquaintance."

"What the fuck do you want? If you're thinking I'm going to stop chasing after you, well, you're wrong. I will hunt you down even if I need to get to hell. You'll pay for your crime, you bastard."

He laughed hard, "I know you will! Why would you, right? I actually don't want you to stop, Ms. Crofts. Let's see what you can do to prove your worth in your job. Agents are nothing but trash. If you get me, I might change my perception about you guys!"

I bite my lips real hard. "We know where you are and we're going to throw you to your death. If I get my hands on you, I will make sure you'll regret killing her."

"Samantha is lucky to have your back, but I don't think about Allison. You think I don't know she's with you right now? Allison is one of my sweet angels, of course I know what she's doing with her life! All the things she said, I got it cleared. You'll never find anything in those places she named," he chuckled in confidence. 

My mind went wild. What if he's telling the truth? "You sent Allison on purpose?" I knit my brows. 

"Of course not! Why would I risk my people? She willingly comes to you but you see, I'm always ahead of you. I know your every move. While you're planning, I'm acting. "


"I swear with my life, I'm going to kill you!" I shouted in hatred and anger. 

"Cool down. You don't have to shout. Listen Taylor, I want what's mine and if you give me what I want, I will make sure no other Samantha will be thrown in your doorstep."

"Don't you dare kill someone again, you motherfucker!"

"I told you, cool it down. I'm always waiting, Taylor. But I don't like waiting too long. Give me the ledger and we're done."

The ledger… he wants the ledger. But I don't have the ledger. "You want… the ledger?"

"It's mine. I guess it's normal for me to take it back, eh?"

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