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How can the weather be this hot? Is it really the weather or the tension of Liam’s eagerness to talk to the owner? I glance at him every now and then but even once, he never gives me a glimpse. I want to ask him if something’s wrong or if he’s okay but from his expression, I doubt he wants to talk. 

When he told me we’re going to meet the owner, one thing came to mind: it has something to do with money. Liam probably thinks that Sam is doing drugs or, to say the least, knows someone associated with drugs. If he’s right, money is not a problem at all. Sam’s family is poor and she’s the breadwinner, she must be pressured by the status of their living and the thoughts of getting hungry and thirsty. Even the poorest family will never hesitate to hold on to something that can save them from starvation. 

After Liam pulled over in a stop light, I decided to do something and clear things out. Whether I like it or not, the situation is definitely weird around here and I just can’t believe I don’t know anything at all. 

When I was about to open my mouth, a grumble in Liam’s throat occurred as if he was trying to show the sign. He doesn’t want to talk, I thought. The car’s speed is not as fast as earlier. I don’t know Liam well, but I know something is off with him. With his blabbering mouth earlier, it was hard to understand the silence that engulfs him at this moment. I found myself preferring the talkative him than the silent one. It’s more comfortable when you know the person is too comfortable for you to keep on talking. 

He parked the car outside of a fancy building. At a glance , you would think you’re in a five star hotel. The glass shimmer in the stunning sunlight. People come and go in the building. I can say it’s a progressive building; one of those big real estate companies. When he gets out of the car, I expect he’ll walk right through the entrance without talking to me, but I guess I’m too big to be avoided. 

“I know you’re wondering why we’re here,” he said as he stood beside me; hands in his pocket while his eyes wandered in the street. 

I didn’t budge, pretending to be upset because of his secretive attitude. 

“I’ll explain everything to you later, is that okay? I promise you’ll never go home without knowing anything. For now, just be with me.”

The last sentence sent chills all over me. His tone was soft and gentle as if he’s asking for a favor. With his good-looking face, I wouldn’t wonder why I blush. My face is burning and I can totally feel the fire running through my veins. 

“Fine. Just keep your promise,” I answered, walking inside the building first so that he’ll never notice my blush.

The 12th floor is quite magnificent with its classy design and furniture. Tables are designed differently based on the owner and employees seem to be having fun with their job which is good for them. As we continued walking through the hallway, a woman, probably in her thirties, came and introduced herself as an executive secretary. She shakes Liam’s hand and offers us the way to her boss’s office. 

“Who are we going to talk to?” I whispered to Liam over his shoulder. 

“The owner of the building. His name is John Ashton. I set an appointment yesterday,” he answered in a low voice. 

When we reached the end, a classic two-way door flashed on us. The secretary opened the door and respectfully offered us a seat. 

“Mr. Ashton, your expected visitors are here to see you,” she declared at her boss. 

A young man, probably around my age, stands in his seat. He buttoned his suit before he walked towards us and offered a handshake. He’s an attractive man with clean features and a lively face. He smiles a lot and also talks comfortably to us. I feel so much welcome with his presence. Liam, on the other hand, is not shaken by his jolliness. He didn’t give a fuck with everything. 

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