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Y/n pov:

Something has been on my mind today, I'm at the lunch table with everyone else but I'm kind of zoned out right now. I've know kenma for a while now and I've have sex with him and we have done stuff together. But during that time neither of us said that we like each other.

I feel like I really do like kenma. I don't really see myself with anyone else, he's honestly everything I want in a guy, and I feel like he deserves to know that. I want to tell him today and hopefully he feels the same way. What even are me and kenma? We we just fuck buddies or are we something more..I'm just so confused. "Y/N!" I Jump from my seat a little "sorry what?" Kuroo looks at me, "why do you keep zoning out?" Because I have a crush on your best friend and I don't know how to tell him.

"Oh nothing I'm okay don't worry!" He nods his head and proceeds to ask me a question "do you have any new plays for the next game?" I then remember I have been jotting down previous note about pretty much everything. I grab my notebook out of my back pack and show them to the team "holy shit y/n, this is awesome!" I giggle a little feeling a bit shy from all the praise about some dumb notes I have.

After them looking them over for about 5 ish minutes they give it back to me and I put it in my backpack, the bell then ring's indicating that are lunch brake is over. I get up from my seat and head to my class room, I bring out my notebook again and take some more notes and different plays we could try in it. I got a back up for a back up for the backup in here, always be prepared people!
•after school•

I stand next to kenma holding his arm like usual, ever since that day I always hold onto his arm, it comforts me and I think it comforts him too, I mean he never told me not to do it so I just assumed that he enjoys it too. "Hey kenma, I need to tell you something" he looks over at me from his Nintendo. "What is it?" I don't want to tell him here I want to tell him in a romantic like setting. "I don't want to tell you hear, could we go to a park or something" he nods "sure"

We head for the nearest park down the road, I love this park, it has really pretty cherry blossom trees, a fountain in the center and a lot of cute benches you could sit at, so we go to one of the benches and sit down, I bite my lip unsure of how to start the conversation of me liking him and wanting him to be my boyfriend and stuff, guys are supposed to make the first move, we'll I guess in books and movies and stuff, but this is something real.

I take a deep breath in "kenma..what are we?" He thinks for a moment "you know what we are, you just want me to say it" what is he talking about, so are we really just fuck buddies, was I right this whole time?! I shake my head "no I don't I'm just confused, are we just fuck buddies or something?" He frowns at what I just said, because kenma didn't see you that way at all he saw you as much more then just that.

"No, that's the compleat opposite of how I see you, I've never once thought of you as 'just a fuck buddy!" You feel a little bad now, because you where doubting kenma "sorry kenma, it's just that..." you feel it's hard to finish your sentence because you still are not sure if he feels the same way, he could just see you as a friend still "just what y/n, you can tell me" you turn to look him in the eyes "I like you kenma, and I think I have for a while now, I just haven't had the courage to say anything until now..." kenma immediately smiles at you, but he wants to tease you a bit.

He sighs "y/n you deserve better.." you look at him confused, the fuck you mean better! No one has treated me this good before, before you can respond to him he talks again "good thing I'm better." You roll your eyes and punch him a little, he laughs a bit, I've always loved his laugh. "I like you too y/n, I think I've liked you ever since the first time I kissed you, it just felt right" you smile "does this mean your my boyfriend now!" He nods "when was I not?" You grab his face and kiss him softly, and he kisses you back just as passionately.

After a minute you both move from the kiss, and you hug him, "I'm so happy!" He hugs you back "I don't think you know how happy I am too y/n." After a while of just sitting there you guys decide to walk around the park, "the trees are so pretty" you tell kenma, he nods his head in agreement "not as pretty as you tho" you laugh a bit at his cheesy remark, "that's so cliche" now he's the one laughing, I hope this never changes, I love him and I hope he knows that I'll never be able to change the way I feel.

"I love you kenma" he holds onto your hand tighter "I love you too y/n."

Should I continue the book?? For now will stop here and I might make a second book to this one or continue it, let me know if you have any more ideas I could add or if you have ideas for book 2 let me know!! Till then see ya and I hope you enjoyed Gameboy!!🫶

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