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The older boy knocked on the door, waiting for his neighbour to come out. "Kim Woonhak hurry up!"

After waiting for a while, the tall boy opened the door and greeted him.

"Let's go!" Due to the younger boy's tardiness, the pair had to run to school, ruining Taesan's hair which he had spent quite a lot of time styling.

"This is your fault Woonhak" "I'm really really really sorry hyung" The younger boy apologized while out of breath. "Next time you'll wake up a bit earlier"

"Of course" After another minute or two of running, Woonhak stopped the oldest, unable to run anymore.

"Hyung, carry me" "What?" The sudden request made him annoyed."Please, I can't walk anym- anymore" "Why?" "Did you forget we just ran for 5 minutes straight?"

"You know... That sounds a lot like a YOU problem"

The younger then walked off, Taesan realised weight had been taken of his back.

Woonhak had taken his bag, he proceeded to throw it near a bench.

"KIM WOONHAK" "Yes? Did I do something?" Woonhak asked innocently despite being anything but that. "You threw my bag, get it back" "You know, that sounds a lot like a YOU problem"

"I- I just said that?" "Yes genius"

The tall boy grabbed his backpack and they finally arrived at school, like the two boys had predicted, they were late.

"Ah, I'm so sorry hyung" "it's fine, you'll hurry up next time" "yes, yes of course"

They entered the building a went to their respective classes.


Taesan knocked on the door. "Sorry I'm late Mr. Choi" "Why are you late?" "Uh- I woke up late"

"Well, next time you'll wake up earlier"

"Woonhak will" He thought to himself.

While scanning the room, he realised the seat next to him was occupied. For the first time since the beginning of the year.

He used to sit next to Jaehyun, but the oldest of the two was moved since they talked too much during the lesson.

He say down and took out his book. "Hi, I'm Han Taesan" "Kim Leehan" The boy next to him was extremely attractive.

His medium long haired was styled in such a way that fit his face perfectly. It fit him really well, he was also dressed in a simple outfit, but he managed to not make it boring.

He was wearing black jeans and a white shirt. While Taesan was analysing his features, the younger boy was busy taking notes.

"So, you're new here, right?" No answer.

"Oh, sorry, did you say something?" "You're new to this school right?" "Mhm, I moved here from Busan"

The introvert searched for a pen in his pencil case which was unsuccessful.

"Do you happen to have a spare pen?" He asked the boy next to him. "Sorry, no"

He asked Jaehyun, who was in front of him. "Jaehyun" "Yeah?" "Do you have a pen?" "Of course not, I borrowed this from Yujin" "Oh, alright, thank you anyway"

Jaehyun and Yujin were pretty close, Taesan always suspected something was up with the two. But he wasn't sure since she was also pretty close to another guy, his name was something like Jungkyu? No, Junghwan.


He asked the person behind him, aka the person next to him in Math. Yang Jungwon.

"Jungwonn" "Do you need a pen?" "Yes, thank you so much" "You always forget your pen, next time, remembered to find one"

Serenade | Boynextdoor [Taesan x Leehan]Where stories live. Discover now