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"Why's he going back there?" "What do you mean?" "Why is Leehan sitting with him" "Cause Yoshi invited him to sit there"

"What do you mean?" "Remember about a week ago, when he was talking to Yoshinori in the hallway" "Oh, right, Junkyu's gonna brainwash him, just like last time"

"I'm not too sure" "How come?" "He's talking to you quite a lot" "Is he?" The younger nodded. "How would you know, you're not even in our class!" "And? I see you talking in the hallway"

"It's just, what if he says something that would make Leehan just- not like me?" "Don't worry Taesan hyung, you won't be the only single one"

"What? I don't like him! It's just that I'd like to be friends with him!" "More than friends you mean" "no, just friends- although I wouldn't mind" His last comment made the others of the friend group laugh.

"So you like him" "Wait- Woonhak your single?" "And Jaehyun you're with Yujin, right?" The pair looked at each other. "Right?"

The extroverted pair laughed at their assumptions. "No" "You're not with Yujin?" "No, it's just that since we live very close we arrange rides." "So who are you with?" "Are you stupid hyung?"

"What?" "Sungho! They're together! And we should've realised" The eldest looked extremely surprised. "How long?" "Half a year?" "Yeah almost?" "No we already passed it" "did we?" "I think?" "When did you get together?" "Either February or March?" "Or was it April?"

"You guys are unbelievable" "b-b-but I was convinced you were with Yujin" "Then unconvince yourself" "I'm trying to, how did you hide it so long? Why did you?" "Maybe self-control" "We hid it since we forgot we hadn't told you"


"Do you believe it? Jungwon, they were together for half a year and didn't tell us!" "So what?" "Well, I'm his best friend, since like, ever" "well, if you ever get someone, will you tell him immediately?" "Yes" "oh, that ruins my point" "we've been best friends since kindergarten!!" "You've already told me that"

The two were next to each other since Jaehyun had left right after lunch since he wasn't feeling well. They were allowed to stay next to each other on the condition that they wouldn't speak, obviously, they didn't respect this.


"Riwoo, where should we go this afternoon?" "How about the park?" "Sure!" "This time, I'll pay" "No, Riwoo, I'll  pa-" "you already payed last time"

"Please?" "Ugh, fine" The boy smiled "you're really cute, you know" "Ah, stop, you're even cuter" "You in denial is even cuter"

"Riwoo, Sungho, you can flirt after school, but right now, let's go back to how to draw in 3d" "Yes, of course sir" Riwoo didn't say anything, he turned bright red out of embarrassement.

"Riwoo, it's fine, it's my fault for initiating the conversation'' "I'm sorry" "Riwoo, it's fine, really"


Thankfully, the bell only rung a couple minutes later.

Their fingers intertwined as they walked out of school. "Come on, we have to hurry!" "Why?" "So that we can go on our date faster!"

The pair ran towards the park, talking and laughing. They had fun, of course, their date had just started.

"Sungho! Let's go get ice cream! And as you've said, I'll pay!" "Alright" The duo went to one of the many vendors and were looking at the options.

"Sungho, can you order for me?" The introvert whispered in his boyfriends ear. Which he of course did. "One vanilla ice cream and one uh... Chocolate ice cream, both in cones"

Riwoo took out his wallet and handed the money. Sungho handed the cone to the other boy. "I heard there's a new coffee shop, in the neighbour town, I'd love to visit it once!" "Then we'll definitely go!"

"Yay!" The younger boy kissed his cheek. "Oh! Look, there's an empty bench over there!" "Let's go!" The couple sat down on the bench and talked about stuff, such as school.


"I'm so glad you could come and hang out with us Leehan!" "Yeah, my mother usually doesn't mind me going out, it's mostly people coming in"

"Ah, I understand her!" "Yeah, especially if you recently moved" "why did you move?" "Cause my father got a new job, so we moved, oh! And I took a picture of my fishtank, with the fish!"

He took out his phone and showed the picture. "They're so cute!" The fish owner put his phone back and noticed someone who he knew.

Lee Riwoo, he was with one of Taesan's friends. His name was something like Sunghoon or Sungjin, he couldn't remember correctly. Riwoo was playing with the other boy's hair, they were facing each other, the two seemed to be pretty close and touchy.

"So... Leehan?" "Ah right, what?" "What do you wanna do?" "Uh, we can go to the library or to the market?" "Uh, have you never gone out with anyone?" The new boy shook his head. "Never?" "Well, not with a group of people just with a friend." "Yoshinori, why did he have to come?" Haruto rolled his eyes.

"Haruto! Be nice" "sorry" "Otherwise, I can just leave, since I'm a bother to the friend group." "Leehan, it isn't your fault, it's Haruto's fault for being immature and close minded"

"Yoshinori, you aren't my father" "but I am your senior" Junkyu quickly pulled away the Korean boy away from their conversation and started to get to know him.

The Japanese started talking in their native language. "So, why did you accept Yoshi's invite, to eat with us?" "Oh, well, I had no one to eat with, so I decided to go, it may be fun" "And was it?" "Yeah!"

The older boy started running two people, the other boys who were at the lunch table, who Leehan still didn't know.

"Kang Yeosang! Park Jongseong!" "Junkyu! Uh-" "Kim Leehan" "Kang Yeosang!" "Park Jongseong" "You were at our tablette other day? Right?" "Yes"

Leehan had suddenly remembered the girl who was a sort of servant for their table. "Hey Junkyu, who was the girl, her name was Hwang Chaeyeon" "Oh, Haruto knows something about her, so that he doesn't tell it to everyone in the school, so she does whatever he wants."

"Oh, and do you know what it is?" "No, he kept his word" "But, why would she be so scared if he said it? Who would listen?" "You clearly don't know?" "What?"

"According to the others, we're the most popular" "What?" The news had surprised him. It now made sense why everyone had avoided Yoshinori in the hallway, or why Hwang Chaeyeon would do anything. They had power, so that is why Taesan wasn't popular, even unpopular, due to whatever happened with Junkyu.

"Y-you're p-p-popular?" "Apparently" "What? How did I not know?" The popular boys laughed at his reaction, they weren't expecting someone to not know such thing.

"Ah! You're finally here!" The Japanese had finally stopped bickering. The older one seemed to have been victorious, as the youngest has a facial expression that imitated one of a five year old not being able to get ice cream. He pouted so Leehan asked him if he wanted anything. Thankfully he didn't since he didn't have any money


A/n: Hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, I really like this, it's probably not the best, I have a feeling my writing just gets worse.

Anyway, take care of yourself, tysm for reading and thank you so so so so so much for 40 reads!

-Jude out!


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