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Mom got me a notebook, she wants me to write in it so I guess I'm gonna do that since I'm bored. Especially since something actually happened, that was interesting.

So, during break, one of my closest friends, a.k.a Kim Junkyu, took me to the hallway, and we were alone. And then he asks me the most unexpected thing. I think I'll remember those words, or at least for a while.

He went up to me during break and asked me if I could come with him in the hallway, so I did so.

And then, he asked me to be his boyfriend! So of course I said yes.

He said this exactly: "So, Taesan, ever since the start of the year, you've been on my mind 365247 (day6 reference lmao, Author is a huge Myday) I've never paid so much attention to someone, but honestly, I really really like you, so, Han Taesan, will you be my boyfriend?"

I've always liked him, anyone would. So, I'm now officially Kim Junkyu's boyfriend.


"Damn, so they were together? That's unexpected" The boy reading it talked to himself. He then countinued reading it.



Today, Junkyu and I are going on our twentieth date, we've been dating for about four months or more. I can't really remember since I didn't write the date on the first day, and I honestly forgot about this notebook.

So, I went to his house, he was in his room so we just started talking. It was nice, it was like all of our dates previously.

We then went to a coffee shop. This time, I could finally pay, after multiple dates of not being able to pay since he'd always be easy faster than me to pull out the money.


"I can do better" The new kid muttered. He had to stop his reading session since he received a call from Riwoo. So he picked up.

"KIM LEEHAN" "What's wrong Riwoo hyung?" "SUNGHO HASN'T READ MY MESSAGES IN A WHILE AND I'M ACTUALLY GETTING WORRIED" "Why would it matter if Sungho doesn't reply to my messages" "becauseeeee he's my boyfriend!" "He is??" "Wait! I haven't told you?" "No?" "Oh, well, if you could keep it a secr-" "I saw you on a date the other day, and yes I'll keep it a secret"

"oh, I'm so worried Leehan" "Do you want to come over? Then you can talk about it better, or like, it's easier when you're talking with someone face to face." "It is, I'll be over in a couple of seconds" "Sure"

As the short boy said, he arrived only a couple of minutes later, knocking on the door frantically. Leehan opened it "Hey!" "Oh Leehan I'm so worried"

"Riwoo, really, you don't have to worry" The older boy hugged him "But I miss him" "isn't he at Woonhak's house?" "Oh- oh- you're probably right! Oh, and you were at Taesan's house right?" "Yeah" "Did anything happen?" "Well, I mean, he kissed me-" "HE DID WHAT?" "for a get out of jail card" "HE KISSED YOU?" "That's what I just said" "So, in a way, he sort of bribed you?" "Not with money" "well obviously not" "and did it work?"

He slowly nodded "Ah! Leehan, so you like him?" "I guess I've always found him pretty cute to be honest"


"Hmm... Maybe I should do something to impress Leehan? I'll ask Jaehyun and Woonhak tomorrow"



Junkyu told me he had a surprise for me, during lunch, I wonder what it is.

So, at lunch I walked over to our usual lunch table. Haruto had his phone out. "Hey Taesan" Yoshinori was absent, otherwise, Yeosang and Jongseong were looking at him, other kids were watching, which was strange.

"It's pretty funny how you actually thought I liked you" "what do you mean?" "You're actually kidding me? You actually thought I liked you?" He laughed, but not in a fun, joking way, bit more in a mocking way. "Well, yeah?" Haruto was snickering. "You thought? I've been pretending this whole time, six months to ruin your social status! You're so naive, you didn't notice that I was obviously not into you" He walked over to me and pushed me. "If you wanted to sabotage me, just gossip about me" He made me trip, making me fall to the floor. I tried hard to not cry. Thoughy vision was getting blurry.

I could only see someone who looked a lot like Jumgwon walk over to Haruto. "Delete that" He grabbed the phone but wasn't fast enough but wasn't fast enough to delete what I think was just the video of what had just happened.

Junkyu was still talking, but I decided to ignore him. Jaehyun helped me up and pulled me out of the crowd.

"Come on, let's go report this" "no need to Jungwon" ''we are going." The five boys walked to the office. "I never liked Haruto! He was always a show off, especially in math" "I don't think Yoshinori knew about this, he's just different to the boys, plus he told me that most of the time, he didn't join in with the activities they participated in such as the football club. And I just know he wouldn't approve of this" "Yeah, Yoshinori is a sweetheart"


After Riwoo's dilemma, Leehan had gone back to reading the notebook. "They did that? No wonder Taesan didn't want me hanging out around them, explains why Junkyu didn't want me to get close to him"


A/n: Ah, I don't like this chapter, but at least you know what happened to the two, I really didn't know how to end this chapter, also, I think my next book is gonna be another skz ff. I originally had a different back story, but decided against it

Thank you so so so so so much for reading and take care of yourself!

-Jude out!

04.12.23 (Happy birthday Jaehyun!)

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