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Today, Leehan would eat with Taesan and his friends, which is why he woke up with a smile.

He got ready in a bubbly way, which happened almost never. "Taesan you're in a good mood today, anything happening?" "No mom, just happy" "You immediately went to your room last night, so I didn't see you, what happened at school?" "Oh nothing except in English" His smile faded, the woman was worried.

"What?" "Well, we had a new seating plan" "And is it bad?" "It's terrible" "who are you next to?" "Kim Junkyu" "Oh, would you want me to call the teacher so that he can move seats?" "No, it's fine" "You still haven't told me what happened with him in detail" "I'm not in the mood"

After those words, he stood up and took his bag from the bedroom. "Bye" "Bye Taesan, have a great day!" As always, the boy walked over to the neighbour's house. He knocked on the door and waited for the boy next door to open it.

"Woonhak! Let's go!" "Hey! I'm not late hyung!" "No, but we don't want to be late" The pair walked at a pace which wasn't too fast, neither too slow.

The friends had been walking to school together for years at this point. Taesan was almost always ready before, so often had to wait for the other boy.

"You and Jaehyun are so cute together" "You say that everyday" "Cause it's true!" "Hmm... Not to sure" "You guys are very cute together!"

After talking some more, they finally arrived at school, the two went to their respective classes.

"Morning Jaehyun, Morning Jungwon" "Hey!" "You're finally here!" "Taesan! You forgot again!" "What?" "We have PE! You're in jeans, and you don't have your kit, obviously."

"Oh no, I have detention then" The introvert burried his head I'm his hands. He had promised the teacher that he wouldn't forget his kit last week, but if he did, he would get detention.

"Here! Have mine, I've never forgotten it!" "No, Jungwon, it's my fault, I should've remembered." "Are you sure?" "Yes" "Then we'll wait for you?" "No, it's fine, you can already go to Woonhak's, I'll join you."


As expected, once Taesan had revealed that he had forgotten his kit, he went to the bleachers. Leehan was also on the bleachers, for the same reason as the other day.

"Why are you on the bleachers?" "Cause I forgot we had PE" "oh, so-" "I'm have to go to detention." "Well, if it makes you feel better, I'll probably also get a detention, I haven't done the math homework" "Can't you do it now?" "I don't have the sheet" "oh, that sucks" "yeah, but at least we won't be alone."

"Should we work on the summary?" "Yeah!" The older boy took the piece of paper which the two had already worked on.

The rest of the period was a blur, they didn't even realise that the class was alright packing the stuff back into the shelves and storage.

"We're almost done!" "Yeah, would you like to come over, after detention? So that we can finish it, and then just, like, hang out?" Taesan was surprised that he managed to not speak utter nonsense.

"Sure!" The two boys blushed, yet the older's was in a much deeper shade of red.


"Finally, break" "Taesan, you didn't even play badminton, you're not allowed to say this" The two boys were waiting for an answer from the other boy, but we're met with silence.

He had gone to greet his boyfriend, with a hug. "I can, Geography was boring!" "It was fine" "You're next to Jaehyun!" "Luckily" "Yeah"

Sadly, break time wasn't as long as the boys would've hoped it was. "Oh, by the way, I saw you were talking to Leehan, so what did you do, during PE" "oh, we were working on the summary, for the text, in Korean. And then-" "what?" "I managed to invite him to my home after, so that we can work on it, and then we'll just like, hang out!" "This is your chance to make your first move!" "I hope I'll be able to"

"So, I'm guessing you won't be coming tonight?" "Sadly, no" The two arrived at the history classroom. "Where's Jaehyun?" "Oh, yeah, where is he?" "I'm guessing he's with Woonhak" "Probably" Just as they were talking about Jaehyun he arrived.

"Ah, I'm sorry I left you alone during break, I was with-" "Woonhak?" "Yes" "So unpredictable" Jungwon said in a sarcastic tone. "Ah! There you are! I need you to finish your work for tomorrow, then during lunchtime, so tomorrow, we'll put everything together, and choose who reads what!"

"Yes Yujin" "We're almost done with the summary, I'll tell Leehan" "Thank you so much! What about you two?" "I'm almost done!" "I've finished the conclusion, I just need to finish the outro" "great, now I just need to make sure that Eunchae's finished with her part" The girl then left the trio alone. "Gosh, she's so bossy" "Once you get close to her she's nicer" "Poor you" "Why? I enjoy being friends with her"


After the morning classes, Leehan went to the lockers, he felts someone's hand on his shoulder. "Hey, Leehan, are you eating with us?" "Oh, Yoshinori, I told Taesan I would eat with him and his friends" "that's fine! You're making new friends, so I'm glad!" "Thanks for understanding" "Of course! Have fun, they're really nice!"

"Bye!" He placed the book in the locker, interrupted by someone else. "You ready?" "Yeah" "so, are they ok with you eating with us?" "Yoshinori was supportive"

"He never changes" The pair walked over to the cafeteria and sat down, this time at Taesan's regular table.

"Hey, Leehan right?" "Yes! You're Sungho" "Correct" He sat down and introduced himself to the eldest. "Hi Leehan!" "Hi Riwoo hyung!" "You two know each other?" "Yeah, he showed me around the school on my first day here!" "Oh, and I'm guessing then Leehan talked to you and you started talking more and you then became friends" "yes!" "You're correct"


Later, the boys were in detention, as Leehan had predicted, he had to go to detention. Although Leehan wouldn't admit it out loud, he enjoyed the other's company.

He actually really liked spending time with him, he was glad that later, they would be alone, without anyone else. Just them.


A/n: I hope you enjoyed this chapter, it's not my favourite, it's mostly a filler chapter, which I'm terrible at writing. (Terrible at writing in general)

Also, thank you so much for reading, and take care of yourself!

-Jude out!


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