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"ok, so my house is about 15 minutes away from here" "so you walk to school everyday" "yeah, with Woonhak" "Must be nice" "Yeah" "Do you parents know that you're with me?" "They're at work, besides they have to go somewhere so, they won't be home until 10" "oh, my mom's home, my father is on a business trip, which he often is on" The two walked, while still talking. It was nice. "Here we are!" "Oh! It's nice!" "Thanks, my mom tries her best to make it look nice" "Well she's done a good job" The taller boy then opened the door, his mother greeting him, immediately questioning why the boy had come back late.

"Oh, well, I forgot my pe kit, so I got detention" "I told you earlier this morning!" "I forgot, I'm sorry" "Oh, and you are?" "Oh, right, this is Kim Leehan, we have a project in Korean together, so we're finishing it for tomorrow!" "Oh, alright! Then, enjoy!" "Thanks"

The two went up to the room and took out the sheet. "I do think it's pretty good." "Yeah, it looks pretty good, I wonder what the others did" "Jungwon and Yujin would definitely do something really good, since they're always competing to get the best grade." "What about Jaehyun?" "Oh, it's always fifty-fifty with him"

"Really?" "Yeah, sometimes he'll do the greatest thing ever, that could rival Jungwon or Yujin" "And Eunchae?" "Well, since she skipped a year I'm guessing she's pretty smart then" "yeah, probably"

Once they had finished writing the summary, Leehan stood up, but he tripped on one of the many pairs of shoes on the ground that weren't done being customized. Taesan quickly stuck out his hand to prevent him from falling. "Oh, sorry, I should've cleaned up"

The boys then realised that their hands were interlocked.

The introvert blushed, but his it by looking down. "It's fine I should've been more careful standing up" He looked down at the shoes. "They look really nice! I'm guessing you decorated them!" "Thanks, I'm currently doing those" He pointed to a pair of black shoes which had some yellow paint. (It's been about a week since I watched funnextdoor so it's either episode 1 or 2)

"So, do you want to play a game?" "What?' "I've got uno! If you want? Or Jenga?" "We can play both!" "Oh, and afterwards monopoly if you want?" "Sure!" The boy stood up and left the room.

"Moooooom, where are the board games?" "They're still in the living room, like always" "Alright! Thank you so much" He hurried downstairs and picked up the three boxes.

He placed the games on the floor of his bedroom. "Which one first?" "A game of Uno?" So the taller boy started mixing the pack of cards.

He started handing them out. "You can start!" "Thanks" The game started out pretty boring. Finally, Leehan placed a +2, so Taesan placed another +2, this countinued until Leehan was unable to the combined amount of +16. "You are kidding me right?" "Nope" It took quite some time for him to take all the cards. "Uno!" "Well, at this point you've already won, there's no way I can win." "Hahaha, not if I help you" "ah, but then it won't be fair!" "Yeah" The older boy put down his final card, meaning that he had won the game.

"Monopoly now!" "Ok! I have the electronic banking one, and it's faster, soooo" "do you mind if I take the headphones?" "No, go ahead! I'll take the plane" He took the blue piece and placed it on the "go" square.

The game was pretty fun. They both really enjoyed being together. "G-go to jail? Oh that sucks" "hah! Finally!" "Oh, you have a get out of jail card" "mhm" "and you want me to give you mayfair for it" "mhm" "but that's not fun! I'm not giving you the most expensive place for a get out of jail card!" "Then what will you give me?"

Taesan subconsciously leaned in. "I have an idea" "what?" The other boy asked, already knowing the answer, he wouldn't mind it though. He leaned in aswell. The taller boy wrapped his arms around the others neck.

Although the actual kiss only lasted a couple of seconds, but  for the two it felt like it lasted for an eternity. "Can I have the get out of jail card now?" "U-uh y-yes" The boy was a blushing mess, he was unable to speak normally. "Thank you!"


After about an hour or so, Taesan had won the game, Leehan was unable to play the game normally after what had happened.

"I should be going, it's almost 6" "Ok,  get home safe! Oh, and you're free to come over whenever you want" As the pair were going downstairs, the pair got stopped by Taesan's mother.

"Will your friend be staying here for dinner?" "Oh, well, none of my parents are home, so if you don't mind, I'd like to stay" "great, then we'll be eating in about half an hour to an hour" "Great, thanks Mom, we'll just go on a short walk"

The two left the house. "Look, I'm sorry for what happened while we were playing, I really didn't-" He pulled out his phone and searched for something on it. Just after, Like Ooh-Ahh by twice played, specifically 2:50

"Han Taesan, you're so unserious." "But you like it" "I guess I don't mind it" "It was honestly pretty funny" "Glad you enjoyed!"

"You're mom's really nice" "yeah, she is" "Wait- wait- so- wait- hold on- does that mean you're gay?" "What? Because my mom is nice?" "No, no, no, because you kissed me" "oh, right, yeah" "Does- does anyone else know?" "Oh, yeah, the whole school" He laughed "really?" "Yeah, after last year everyone did" "How?" The taller boy fell silent, not even looking at his crush.

"Is it related to whatever happened with Junkyu?" "Yeah" "You don't have to talk about it" "I have it written down, or whole friendship and more" "So a sort of diary or journal" "yeah, if you'd like, you can read it, whenever, just tell me" "ok, I'm glad you trust me enough to give me this opportunity" "of course"

"So, have you ever kissed anyone? Before?" "No, I'm guessing you have?" "Yeah" Taesan checked his watch and realised that dinner would soon be done cooking.

The pair quickly walked to his house.
"Hey mom!" "Oh, you're here! Food will be ready in about ten minutes" "ok, we'll come down"

"I'll search for the book, then if you want you can read it at home?" "Sure, I'll leave once I'm finished eating" "Do you know how to go back, to you house?" "Yeah, don't worry"


After the three had finished, the two Han's waved at him, he then left, with Taesan's book.


A/n: hopefully you enjoyed this chapter, this is probably my least favourite, also, I'm just terrible at writing kisses so sorry lmao

Anyway, tysmmm for reading and take care of yourself, thank you so so so much for 70 reads! <33

-Jude out!

04.12.23 (happy birthday to one of my favourite leaders [after Jungwon and Gunil], I can't believe he's now 20)

Serenade | Boynextdoor [Taesan x Leehan]Where stories live. Discover now