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"Hey, Tim. Got a few minutes?" Kamdyn asked, squeezing Ryan's hand for support as she walked up to Tim.

"Anything for you kid. What's up?" Tim asked, looking up from the stool he'd been sitting on.

"Not here? Is there somewhere else we can talk? Privately?" She asked, looking at him with a look that stated she was serious and this was important.

"Yeah," He nodded, getting up and following her to a more secluded area where it was pretty impossible for anyone to hear them talking, "What's going on?"

"There was an incident with Macey a while back. When I had that concussion?" She started, trying not to back out at the last second.

"Yeah?" He nodded, wondering where it was going.

"Macey did it," She sighed, hating that she was ratting someone out but at the same time, it was for her own safety.

"What do you mean Kam? I'm gonna need some more details here," He said as he sat down beside her, while she was pulling up the video.

"This," She sighed, handing her phone over to him as the video played, "I know we don't have cameras in our offices, and before this, I kept having stuff go missing so I got a little one and put it in there. I managed to get this on video,"

"Why didn't you come out about this sooner?" Tim asked, looking back and forth between her and the video.

"I don't know," She sighed, "She's showed up at my house, she's made me do her job for her, I think she had something to do with my house fire. It's just all too much coincidence. And it's all because she was crushing on Ryan and swore to herself that I couldn't have him,"

"I'll take this to RP and see what he thinks. Probably won't be happy. Would you be willing to take over her responsibilities?" He asked, knowing this would probably be a reason for the termination of Macey's job.

"I guess," she shrugged, as she was already doing that anyway.

"That means, you're at the track every weekend. A lot of time away from home, can you handle that?"

"Isn't that what I'm already doing?" She chuckled a little, "By the way, I'm not sure if this is the right way to let you know this but we are together and she's gonna be mad about it when she finds out so just watch my back please?"

"I kinda had a feeling when I saw you guys talking. And how he's been there for you since you lost the house. I know you guys are living together," He chuckled, "Just know Ryan, if you hurt her, I'll become your worst enemy,"

"I wouldn't dream of it," Ryan nodded.

"Send me that video. I'll take it to RP and see what he thinks and we can go from there. Sound good?" Tim asked, looking at the young couple.

"Yeah, sounds good to me," She nodded, sending the link to the video in her email before they went their separate ways.

"I'm so proud of you for doing that finally," Ryan told her as they walked toward the bus lot. They just needed somewhere warm and dry to talk and relax until they knew if they would be racing or not. They were both pretty thankful that the bus was there to begin with.

"I hope this rain stops," she sighed, opening the blinds in the small dinette.

"Honestly, I don't think it's going to. Probably gonna get postponed until tomorrow," Ryan said as he looked out the window from the couch.

"Then we should put on a movie or something? Order in?" She suggested, moving to the couch with him.

"Or, we could wait until it's called and go back home?" He suggested.

"Do you really want to make that drive in pouring rain?"

"Not really," he chuckled, "We can just stay here and relax,"

"Then go get changed," she smiled, looking at the TV as they decided to postpone the Coke 600.

As soon as they were both changed, they were back in bed, and watching a movie as they waited for the pizza to arrive while rain hit the roof of the bus.


Hey y'all! Sorry for the short chapter, it just felt like the right spot to end it! If anyone has any ideas/suggestions on how Macey reacts, please comment and or put it on my message board! Thanks guys!

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