Twenty Two

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Kamdyn was finally feeling normal by week 3 after the incident. They had raced at Sonoma and now it was time for the off week. Something they both admitted to needing.

That Monday, they both slept in his room, leaving Kamdyn's made bed untouched for now. She usually woke up first, taking time to scroll through her phone and prepare herself for the day before getting up to make coffee. She loved waking up like this. Ever since they'd started dating, they slept in the same bed every night. It'd been a long time coming and a lot of avoided feelings that finally came out like word vomit. So it was really no surprise that they constantly shared a bed.

"Mornin," She smiled, looking over at Ryan as he rolled over to face her.

"Why are you always up so early?"

"I don't know. Internal alarm clock," she shrugged, "I was thinking a little bit though,"

"About?" Ryan asked as he looked at his girlfriend who seemed to be deep in thought.

"Why are we dealing with 2 bedrooms when we could just use one?" She asked, laying on her side to face him.

"I don't know. Maybe we should solve that problem," Ryan chuckled, knowing exactly what his girlfriend was proposing.

"Don't get any ideas right now. I'm only saying that one of the rooms should be our room. Instead of just your room or mine. We can make one the guest room or a man cave or whatever," she suggested, looking at Ryan for his thoughts on her proposed idea.

"We could definitely work something out," he nodded, "But you do need to get up. You have work,"

"You just had to remind me," she whined jokingly as she sat up.

"Sorry honey. I have to go too,"

"Yeah, but I have so many emails to still catch up on. I still haven't caught up from after the reaction,"

"You will. Don't be so hard on yourself,"

"You're too good to me," she smiled, leaning over to kiss him before she got out of the comfortable bed.

"If we're quick, we have time for coffee,"

"Like to stop and grab it or make it here?" Kamdyn called from the bathroom.

"What do you think?" He chuckled, holding his arms up like she could see the exasperation in his hands.

"If we can get Starbucks or even Dunkin'. I'll love you forever,"

"You already do," he chuckled, watching as she came back out of the bathroom connected to the master to go to her room and grab her own clothes.

"Maybe. But even more with coffee!" She called, coming back after a few minutes and fully dressed in her nice clothes. "What do you think?"

"I think you always look great so I don't know what you want me to say? I don't think you have a bad look,"

"Brownie points," She chuckled, "come on. Get up, I would like some Dunkin,"

Ryan got up and quickly got ready, before they both got in the car and headed for the closest Dunkin chain. Once they had their coffees in hand, they headed off to the Penske building. She was in her office immediately and working on scheduling some appearances for Ryan and sponsor deals.

She didn't even realize it was time for lunch until Tim came into her office to stop her.

"You eat?"

"Not yet. Still emailing back and forth with 3 different people," she said as she kept her eyes on her computer. "Is Ryan even still here?"

"Yeah. Doing a radio interview with Sirius,"

She just nodded as she typed, wanting nothing more than to finish her work for the entire day.

"You need to take a break," he chuckled, shutting the laptop nearly on her fingers.

"Hey. I was working on that,"

"I know. But I don't really care. Take a break,"

"Fine," she sighed, pushing her chair back before getting up and stretching slightly. "You've never done this before,"

"Done what?"

"Forced me to take a break,"

"Ryan has and he's busy so he asked me to make sure you did," he explained, walking out of the office and into the break area with her.

"Maybe I was waiting for him," she chuckled, sitting at the table that she and Ryan usually occupied.

"Well his interview will be done in 5 minutes so he should be here soon," she said as she checked her watch. She knew all the ins and outs of the schedule even more now with her being responsible for scheduling them.

As if on cue, Ryan walked in with both of their lunches that they had put in the fridge earlier that morning.

"Told ya," she smirked as Ryan sat in the chair beside her.

"What bet did you lose to her this time?"

"Saying that you were busy,"

"Oh yeah. Don't mind that," he waved him off, looking over at Kamdyn with a satisfied smirk.

She just shook her head before digging into the salad she'd made for lunch.

After eating and a few more hours of work, they headed home and began the process of moving Kamdyn into Ryan's room permanently.

They moved her small dresser next to his, and her vanity on the left since that was her side of the bed. No more middle sleeping, unless she was kicking Ryan out of the bed. Or if he was gone and she had to stay back for any reason.

"This is nice," she grinned, settling into bed with her weighted blanket to cozy up with while they shared the comforter.

Everything was perfect. And everything finally felt normal again.

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